Monthly Archives: March 2014

Infrared Receivers – signal lag and distortion

Many electronics enthusiasts will be familiar with how Infrared receivers demodulate IR signals. In this post we show a visualisation of the time lag and distortion of the signals as they pass through the IR receiver for demodulation and noise filtering.  Most DIY projects use the raw timings from the IR receiver to decode individual signals. However, not many will be aware that IR receivers can distort the signal timings by significant amounts. Fortunately, common IR decoders take this into account and compensate for timing distortions introduced by infrared demodulators / receivers.

Infrared Signal, Modulated & De-modulated
Infrared Signal, Modulated & De-modulated

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Air Conditioners: Recording long Infrared Remote control signals with Arduino

hRecently we have been helping several members on the Arduino forum to record and playback their remote control signals from their Air Conditioners. These signals are typically much longer than those of TVs or common media devices. The 2 most popular libraries for Arduino, IRremote & IRlib are excellent, but have some limitations which we have covered in a previous post. In this post we address one particular issue that is proving challenging to users.

Long Infrared signals prove challenging for Arduino users

Continue reading Air Conditioners: Recording long Infrared Remote control signals with Arduino

Arduino: 10 common pitfalls with Infrared Remote Control

Arduino: 10 common pitfalls with Infrared Remote Control
Arduino: 10 common pitfalls with Infrared Remote Control

Over the last few months we have been regular contributors to the Arduino and other forums, answering questions about Infrared remote control projects. It became apparent that beginners typically trip up on many common ‘pitfalls’. So we decided to list off our ‘Top 10’.


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Raspberry Pi, AnalysIR & LIRC serve-up Infrared Remote Control

We have been intending to add support for LIRC into AnalysIR for a long time. Recently one of our enthusiastic users, working on his Raspberry PI,  needed some help getting Air conditioner signals from his ‘Air Conditioner’ infrared remote control decoded. His preference was for a LIRC based approach as he already had this working for his TV via his RPi using a cool web based interface from his smart phone.

Rasberry Pi tight integration with AnalysIr and  LIRC
Rasberry Pi tight integration with AnalysIr & LIRC

Continue reading Raspberry Pi, AnalysIR & LIRC serve-up Infrared Remote Control