A new user of AnalysIR from the Netherlands, wanted to get the AnalysIR firmware working on Teensy 3.x . Although this has not been officially supported, we were happy to support his efforts knowing that it would most likely be a relatively easy exercise, based on past experiences. Needless to say, he was successful in decoding Infrared signals with AnalysIR within a short space of time. Prompted by his interest, we ordered our own Teensy 3.1 to add to our growing collection of 40+ MCUs and although Teensy support is in beta for now, it will be oficially supported for AnalysIR from our next release. In the meantime, users of AnalysIR can just contact us for a copy of the Teensy sketch (firmware).

Teensy 3.x now joins a long list of devices supported for use with AnalysIR, including:
- Arduino Duemilenove
- Arduino UNO
- Arduino Leonardo
- Arduino Yún
- Arduino Due
- All other Arduinos & copies with USB serial running at least 16MHz clock speed.
- USB IR Toy
- Raspberry Pi
- MSP LaunchPad (some models/beta)
- Chipkit (some models/beta)
- Teensy (3.x beta, earlier models should work with little or no changes to sketch, due to similarity to standard Arduinos)
Sketch source code is provided to all users of AnalysIR and we are happy to assist efforts customising for new platforms.
We regard to the next release of AnalysIR, we are working diligently on bringing the documentation up to date. In the meantime, all users can get access to the latest ‘dev’ release which includes many fixes and new features including support for over 33 of the most common Infrared protocols, including more than 10 Air Conditioner protocols. (contact)
UPDATE: 18th Sep 2014
Our Teensy3.1 arrived today and worked out of the box with AnalysIR without any issues. Actually, its name is very accurate – its really small, but great.
You can get your own copy of AnalysIR here.
Note: AnalysIR is not affilaited with any of the companies referenced in the post or any of their products.