One year on from the initial release of AnalysIR, we have provided a copy below of our recent update for the original crowfunding campaign for AnalysIR.

This just serves as a local copy of the original update which can also be found on the Campaign Activity page.
Now that a year has passed since the campaign ended and we issued the first release of AnalysIR to all Backers, we thought it would be a good idea to provide a direct update on what has happened since then.
With the help of our backers we have enhanced AnalysIR way beyond our initial expectations. AnalysIR now supports over 40 Infrared protocols, which is more than double our initial release. In addition we have developed a generic decoding algorithm which makes it super-easy for us to add most new protocols. In addition to the original support for Arduinos & RPi, we have added the USB IR Toy, TI LaunchPads, Teensy, ChipKit/Fubarino and our own advanced IR Learner (see below).
We have also built up a very popular blog about Infrared and contributed/published some open source code & electronic circuits for Infrared Enthusiasts. The popular IRLib library for Arduino now includes some code which is based on the AnalysIR Firmware. We have also been featured on Hackaday and Dangerous Prototypes. Check out our AnalysIR blog to see the some of the things we have been up to.
The main reason for this update is to let you know that we plan to issue our 1.0 release of AnalysIR in the next week or two. The last official release was January, but we have been making interim development release available since then. We will issue emails directly to all backers when AnalysIR 1.0 is ready for download.
A big thanks for all your encouragement and backing. Since the campaign ended we have continued to attract support from all over the world and now have many hundreds more backers since last year. From our perspective, it is safe to say that the AnalysIR campaign has been a great success and we plan to continue developing & supporting AnalysIR going forward.
Since the beginning of 2014, we have also been working on producing a suite of Infrared projects/PCBs/Kits which we hope to launch in the next quarter. The range includes an advanced IR Learner and includes some cool innovations and firsts with IR – stay tuned!
Thank you all again for your support.
The AnalysIR Team
PS For regular updated information please visit the AnalysIR Blog