Our latest product offering is DIYIR an Infrared DIY Soldering Kit. DIYIR, is our new soldering kit to create an advanced IR remote control module for use with Arduino, RPi or any other MCU/Microcontroller system (not included). It uses the same advanced components and circuitry as our other MakeIR modules and works directly with IRremote, IRLib and our own AnalysIR or with your own custom firmware or sketches. It is targeted at beginners, soldering courses and experienced users alike. Soldering skills and/or supervision is required to build the kit. More details along with the tools required are covered in the instructional WiKi pages. We want to encourage makers to undertake IR remote control projects and to provide an affordable way to acquire the very best IR technology for your projects or use with AnalysIR. Popular projects include control of TVs, STBs, Air Conditioner units etc. Continue reading Infrared DIY Soldering Kit launched