We have been updating the AnalysIR documentation for the upcoming 1.0 release and realised that AnalysIR now decodes 40 Infrared protocols. Wow!. Along with the most common TV & media remotes controls there are 15 Air Conditioner protocols included. The full set of protocols is included with the latest ‘dev’ release, which is available to all current & new owners of AnalysIR (less the aforementioned documentation) in advance of the pending 1.0 release. The 1.0 release will incorporate over 170 new features, updates and fixes compared to the initial release and also supports our new IR Learner which will be launched along with a range of Infrared kits in the coming months.

Here is the latest list of Infrared protocols supported by AnalysIR. Continue reading AnalysIR now decodes 40 Infrared Protocols