Tag Archives: Infrared

Celebrating 50th backer with new ‘Import’ feature


We are delighted to welcome our 50th backer and to celebrate we are going to spend some time today adding a new feature – going to try importing from one other system to get us started and hopefully add more in future.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to make referrals, it is having a real impact on our ranking on Indiegogo.

Update: 50% of Campaign target reached

Great News – we have passed 50% of the minimum target, but with lots of hard work remaining to get to 100%.

We had a great weekend with the Maker Faire & coverage on the Arduino Blog. I believe we also got coverage on Adafruit yeaterday, all of which really helps to get the message out for AnalysIR.

Thanks again to our backers who shared the link to our project (see earlier post on how to) – it really helps and we can see the impact via the analytics.

We will make another update once we have fully recovered from Maker Faire (Great fun and very very hard work on the day and in preparation).

This morning we were pulling our hair out using the Leonardo platform, but it seems that unlike other Arduinos you need to properly close the serial port in the windows application before exiting, otherwise the Leonardo is visible as a COM port but unusable. It took hours to debug this and we will make a post on the Arduino forum in case others hit the same problem.

……more later and a BIG welcome to all of our new backers.

AnalysIR featured on Arduino blog for Dublin Maker Faire

New infrared applications using Arduino at Mini MakerFaire Dublin (tomorrow!)

Friday, July 26th, 2013


Here is an extract of the Arduino blog post featuring AnalysIR. Click the the link above to visit the Arduino Blog.

The power of infrared light was widely and best appreciated with invention of television’s remote controls. The signal between a remote control handset and the device it controls, consists of pulses of infrared light, which is not visible to the human eye.

Tomorrow at MakerFaire Dublin you’ll we able to see the work of AnalysIR, a project that is taking this technology to a whole new level.

They implemented a Windows application which connects to an Arduino with the addition of an IR receiver and can decode new IR signals in a fraction of the time: no need for expensive Logic Analyzers or Oscilloscopes.

Here they are with their Indiegogo campaign:

At MakerFaire they will be showing some cool demos of what you can do with IR like generating electricity, seeing the invisible -Using iPhone & Android camera to check if TV remote is working, long range TV remote Control Demo Using Optics and many more applications for a total of 10 installations. Look out for them on Saturday!

20+ IR sensors evaluated & Arduino first for AnalysIR

We got 11 different IR sensors delivered by UPS today for testing & evaluation. So far we have established that the sensors we were already using are probably the best. At this stage we have evaluated over 20 different sensors & will probably leave it atthat for now.

We also managed to measure the modulation frequency and the ‘demodulated’ IR signal simulataneously on an Arduino (Duemilenova). This was achieved with the Arduino plus 2 cheap components (More later). No reason it wont work on other Arduino models running @ 16Mhz

This should allow us to report & record the Decoded IR signal along with its modulation frequency for every signal decoded by AnlaysIR.

We have essentially cracked the Arduino bit, but the Windows GUI will need to be updated (hopefully during the campaign).

From a technical perspective, this may be a first on the Arduino (At least i havent seen it implemented simultaneously before).