Just a quick note to say that KontroLIR is available for limited preorder now. Check out he following links for details:
Shop: preorder KontroLIR here
Blog: Previous blog post about KontroLIR
WiKi: Full documentation is available via the KontroLIR wiki
Tag Archives: IR learner
KontroLIR – the first Arduino compatible IR remote control
We are excited to announce our newest product KontroLIR – the first Arduino compatible IR remote control. Users can now design their very own Infrared remote to work exactly how they want. The possibilities are unlimited. Customize the fully featured firmware within the Arduino IDE to your own needs or just add your own signals to the pre-configured 5 device/225+ buttons. Sketches are uploaded over Serial USB I/F from the Arduino IDE – just like any other sketch. KontroLIR features an ATmega328PB, a high power emitter, an indicator LED and is powered by 2xAAA alkaline batteries. Low power operation is already implemented with ~1uAmp idle current for long battery life. Available options include IR Receiver, IR Learner, 16 to 256KBytes I2c EEPROM and a serial USB adapter for uploading your sketch from the IDE. KontroLIR supports IRremote, IRLIB and is tightly integrated with our own AnalysIR Application.
Continue reading KontroLIR – the first Arduino compatible IR remote controlAnalysIR supports PSOC 4 from Cypress
AnalysIR now provides support for the PSOC 4 Prototyping kit from Cypress. Effective immediately users of AnalysIR can use the kit to act as an Infrared source for AnalysIR. The PSOC 4 Prototyping kits are available from Cypress and via their global distributors for just US$4 plus shipping. To use the kit with AnalysIR you will also need an IR Receiver and an optional IR Learner, which can also be purchased with AnalysIR. Initially, the PSOC Firmware is available on request and will be included as part of the installation package in a future release.
Update: New IR component kit perks & 80+ backers
Today we have added a new perk of IR starter kits and retired some of the other perks.
The kits are provided as a quick starter aid for backers who dont have IR receivers to hand. Please note that a learner IR receiver is required to measure the modulation frequency and at least one IR receiver is required otherwise (=Kit A).
Of course you can still use the powerful import/export feature without any Arduino or IR receiver connected.
Please feel free to purchase your own components directly. Otherwise we have a student ready to do all the leg work for a small bribe (oops I meant Tip).
On the technical side of things – we have greatly improved the performance, design & implementation of the Arduino based code along with some User Interface improvements, over the last few days .
Finally, a big welcome to our latest backers and thanks again to all our 80+ backers.
20+ IR sensors evaluated & Arduino first for AnalysIR
We got 11 different IR sensors delivered by UPS today for testing & evaluation. So far we have established that the sensors we were already using are probably the best. At this stage we have evaluated over 20 different sensors & will probably leave it atthat for now.
We also managed to measure the modulation frequency and the ‘demodulated’ IR signal simulataneously on an Arduino (Duemilenova). This was achieved with the Arduino plus 2 cheap components (More later). No reason it wont work on other Arduino models running @ 16Mhz
This should allow us to report & record the Decoded IR signal along with its modulation frequency for every signal decoded by AnlaysIR.
We have essentially cracked the Arduino bit, but the Windows GUI will need to be updated (hopefully during the campaign).
From a technical perspective, this may be a first on the Arduino (At least i havent seen it implemented simultaneously before).