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by thefirentllp
Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:45 pm
Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Replies: 20
Views: 72350

Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issu

Hi thanks for the response. i was figuring out how to clean the ir signals using the software and still could not get a clean code as compared to the codes below. And once again thanks for cleaning the codes. Really appreciate it. The signal you posted was not 'cleaned' & here it is. /* Automati...
by thefirentllp
Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:58 pm
Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Replies: 20
Views: 72350

Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issu

Hi I am currently facing the same issue with mitsubishi code although the bit are 288 bit. Currently the model that i am controlling is MSY-GE13VA and attached below is the raw code. Could someone help me as i tried the suggestions that was listed in the board and also used the analysIR to clean the...