Search found 5 matches
- Sun Nov 11, 2018 5:58 am
- Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
- Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
- Replies: 20
- Views: 71965
Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Another approach, you could use is to copy the example we have on our blog, for sending signals from flash, using IR remote. YOu will probably have to do something like this anyway, for your project to run on a basic arduino. OK, I switched to your example code to send from flash (found here ) and ...
- Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:44 am
- Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
- Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
- Replies: 20
- Views: 71965
Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
- The code you posted is not for the IRremote library, which I had assumed!...but should be very similar as IRLIB is a re-write of IRremote. Also note that IRLIB is no longer supported and has moved on to IRLIB2. I am indeed using IRLIB2 and the reason for that is that using the IRemote library, I ...
- Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:18 pm
- Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
- Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
- Replies: 20
- Views: 71965
Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
just match them to the closest/nearest value, so 583=>433 I THINK I follow you. So I changed my code (painstakingly) manually to this but the unit still does not respond to this code when sent. There is one value right in the middle of "16928" which only occurs once. I did not modify it s...
- Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:15 am
- Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
- Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
- Replies: 20
- Views: 71965
Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Firstly, thanks for the reply! I can confirm your first signal decodes with AnalysIR into a Mitsubishi288AC signal. Thanks for the confirmation. What concerned me a little is that when capturing, there is always a trailing comma. This made me wonder if perhaps the signal was truncated. But if you sa...
- Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:27 am
- Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
- Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
- Replies: 20
- Views: 71965
Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Hi all, I'm desperately trying to control my Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioner Model MSY-GK13VA via arduino. Endless tinkering and scouring the net for solutions eventually lead me to this blog post which I thought would be the solution to the issue (ie the code being too long). Using the supplied...