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by ShaunLovell
Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:36 am
Forum: KontroLIR
Topic: Any special tricks for Sony protocols?
Replies: 1
Views: 15928

Any special tricks for Sony protocols?

Greetings, I'm trying to operate a Sony DVD player (~5 years old) with Kontrolir using codes captured from the OEM remote with Analysir & the Kontrolir. A couple of example codes are below: KIRsend.sendSony(0x40B92, 20); //Sony RMT-D197A Key: 3 KIRsend.sendSony(0x490, 12); //Sony RMT-D197A Key: ...
by ShaunLovell
Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:05 am
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"
Replies: 12
Views: 44905

Re: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"

I've since loaded IRremote 2.6.0 and it also works, with the same modifications to IRremoteBoardDefs.h The wiki says that for 2.8.0, the edits need to be made around lines 195/196 but that would put them in the "// Arduino mega" section, whereas the section prior to that (lines 189/190) se...
by ShaunLovell
Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:49 am
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"
Replies: 12
Views: 44905

Re: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"

Would you still like me to e-mail you my files?
by ShaunLovell
Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:47 am
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"
Replies: 12
Views: 44905

Re: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"

I have success now with version 2.5.0. I had mistakenly made this edit: /********************* * ARDUINO Boards *********************/ // Arduino Duemilanove, Diecimila, LilyPad, Mini, Fio, Nano, etc // ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168, ATmega328 #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmeg...
by ShaunLovell
Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:04 pm
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"
Replies: 12
Views: 44905

Re: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"

Yes, I have been doing that. I close & re-start the IDE after each time I edit the IRremoteBoardDefs.h file as well.
by ShaunLovell
Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:02 pm
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"
Replies: 12
Views: 44905

Re: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"

I have an analog B&W video camera that is dandy for that purpose. The KontrolIR sends the 4 test signals. It also sends visible signals (visible to the camera) after loading V1.07, it's just that the signals do not seem to operate any of the 4 devices programmed whereas, of course, it has been o...
by ShaunLovell
Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:35 am
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"
Replies: 12
Views: 44905

Re: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"

Still no joy, I'm afraid. Just to clarify: the wiki initially says to use timer 1 (for whatever version) but the update for 2.8.0 says to use timer 2, correct? I've tried it both ways. It tests out fine with the test suite but still does not work my devices. Am I also correct in assuming the note fo...
by ShaunLovell
Fri Dec 04, 2020 7:00 am
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"
Replies: 12
Views: 44905

Re: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"

I should add that the same compiler errors came up when compiling the test suite (V1.06). I added in the "_SEND" to each one and it compiled without error, then passed all tests.

by ShaunLovell
Fri Dec 04, 2020 6:15 am
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"
Replies: 12
Views: 44905

"'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope"

Greetings, I get 2 strange new compiler errors when compiling KontrolIR_V1.07 "'TIMER_ENABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope" on line 157 of the KIR_Infrared_Tx tab, and; "'TIMER_DISABLE_PWM' was not declared in this scope" on line 168 of the same tab. The output suggests TIM...
by ShaunLovell
Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:51 pm
Forum: Support Requests
Topic: AVAST anti-vurus block AnalysIR during installation
Replies: 2
Views: 25822

Possible issue with Norton

Each time I launch AnalysIR, I see the following screen:
It's possible I clicked the wrong thing during installation or the first time I launched it. If anyone has a suggestion for resolving it, I'd appreciate it.