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by luciomontero
Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:54 pm
Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Replies: 20
Views: 72355

Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issu

:D :D :D :D :D Finally! It seems my only problem was IR led direction... Wow I counlldn't imagine! Even unclean raw code is working! Well it's still a little strange beacuse the real remote control is working from 8 - 10 meter distance while my arduino cannot make from 1 meter if don't point exatcly...
by luciomontero
Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:02 pm
Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Replies: 20
Views: 72355

Re: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issu

First of all thanks a lot for your quick support and for the clear info you provided! Even if I didn't have much lucky I'm sure I will make it soon. So here what I've done: 1) Downloaded the IRlib from github 2) Modified the library with workaorund you suggested: ht...
by luciomontero
Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:18 pm
Forum: IR Protocols & Codes
Topic: AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Replies: 20
Views: 72355

AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues

Hello everybody and thanks AnalysIR for your precious info. As said in the subject I'm trying to control my Mitsubishi Air Conditioner with Arduino. I would like to buy the maker license for the software to decode the protocol but I just want to be sure that decoding is my deadlock... Cause I'm tryi...