Mitsubishi AC export issue in pronto & GC formats

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Mitsubishi AC export issue in pronto & GC formats

Post by AnalysIR »

A user submitted the following request:
We tried to decode IR signal:

- Menu->Protocols->AC only

- After recording your signals...Menu->Power Tools->LSB8 to get the bit order correct

- Try the checksum calculator Menu->Power Tools->Checksum calculator (I don’t understand this step)

- Before exporting recognised signals. Menu->Power Tools->Clean History

Them, export in Pronto CCF and all global cache variables, but doesn’t work.

I attach session with captured IR signal.
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Re: Mitsubishi AC export issue in pronto & GC formats

Post by AnalysIR »

Both Pronto and GC formats do rounding off of the timings to save space.

For a long signal this can result a large accumulated error.

For long AC signals in GC format, you should always use the compressed format, as it may get truncated when not compressed.

I notice your signal decodes in AnalysIR as OLIMPIA136AC. Don't be concerned about the naming as that is just arbitrary - many AC systems are re-badged and sold under multiple brands.

Please let me know a bit more about what you are trying to achieve?

Can you use RAW format?...does it work in RAW format to send?
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Re: Mitsubishi AC export issue in pronto & GC formats

Post by Andariego »

Hello again:

We are trying to decode T7WE10714,001CP mitsubishi IR remote to use this codes in a demopad centro-c device (Home automation device)
If we capture IR from original mitsubishi remote and we send IR from Analisyr IR software throught LearnIR we can send IR to AC and works fine, but if we export captured signal to pronto or global cache format, and try to send from demopad, doesn't work.
If we sent other know code (like apple TV device from demopad to apple device) throught IR, works fine, IR hardware are working fine.
I attach session file.

Best regards.
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Re: Mitsubishi AC export issue in pronto & GC formats

Post by AnalysIR »

The main difference seems to the signal length.

Also, note that both Pronto & GC foramts lose some accuracy in their syntax, which could also be a factor.

Make sure you are using the 'dev' update ...8303. which I emailed recently.

I will also, export & import the signal in both formats to verify there isnt an syntax/encoding/translation error of any sort.

I will post back once that is completed.
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Re: Mitsubishi AC export issue in pronto & GC formats

Post by AnalysIR »

After, chasing down several issues on this during today, we found the following:

- We identified and fixed an issue exporting long signals (longer than the GC spec) in Global chache Format.
- we have now fixed this & it will be included in the next 'dev' release of AnalysIR.
- The main issue seems to be hte targe system - DemoPad - dosnt seem to support sending longer IR signals like this AC IR signal.
- We tried to split the longer AC IR signal into 3 smaller signals, but the target system also does not seem to support this.
- Our user is now trying to contact the 3rd party vendor for additional support.

We will post back if there are any relevant updates.
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