OK - If you are using RPi & LIRC, then if you use the MODE2 command of LIRC, you should be able to set up direct network connection between AnalysIR & RPi. The docs for this are provided with your initial download.
Thanks – I have replied. I have successfully been able to capture some keys – and have tried to find a step-by-step tutorial but could not really find it. I’ll attach my session file to this email. Could you help me further or point me to a step-by-step tutorial?
What I have done is press each button on the remote making sure to only change one thing at a time.
I checked the history file you emailed me & It appears to have lots of bad signals & 2 different protocols. Dont worry about the 2 different protocols, as the names are arbitrary & some systmes send 2 different length signals.
otherthings to do/try:
- delete any signal that is not recognised.
- when recording hold the remote abot 1m away from the receiver (you will be better results)
- The bit order for most AC systems is usually, LSB8...so select that from the Powertools menu and wait for the refresh to finish.
- Initially focus on the temperature signals, because only one bitfield changes (and also checksum). The tolls below make it easier to figure all this out.
- Once you have cleaned up the history, by removing RAW signals, check out the videos for reverse engineering & checksum calculator,via:
Then post back if you have follow-up questions.