Hi, I followed the post in Es8266 Updated Hack using a Samsung AC and the sketch works great using the decoded signals from Analysir, a Wemos d1 Mini and the SendIR module. The only hiccup is "the quirk". I tried the suggestion on the blog but still no luck. I can't get the board to boot with the SendIR module connected. If I boot it and then connect it works great, but in order to use it I need to boot it with the module connected.
I'm using a Wemos D1 mini, measured the resistance between D4 and 3v3 pins and gave me around 11K just like the post, so I soldered from D4 to 3v3 pin a 5K1 and it gave me 3K5. So my connection is: ground to ground, D4 to 3v3 through the 5k1 and to the IR_TX on the board, and from 3v3 to VCC on the board.
Am I doing something wrong?
Wemos d1 mini failed to boot with Esp8266 HAck
Re: Wemos d1 mini failed to boot with Esp8266 HAck
You should connect 5V to VCC on SendIR.3v3 to VCC on the board.
Also, I presume you are referring to this post on our blog : https://www.analysir.com/blog/2017/01/2 ... r-signals/
That post was referring to the NodeMCU style of board and used a 5k8 resistor, not the D1 Mini. It is likely that the Wemos D1 Mini has a different setup.
I will double check the Wemos D1 Mini shortly and update.
FYI: Our A.IR Shield ESP8266/ESP32 Uses the same feature, so fortunately it will be easy for me to measure..stay tuned.
Re: Wemos d1 mini failed to boot with Esp8266 HAck
On our A.IR Shield ESP8266/ESP32 we use a 5K6 resistor..so maybe the 5K1 is too low.
If you don't have a 5K6 or 5K8 try adding in some 100R, 470R and/or 220R in series or come up with an alternative parallel combination.
Post back how you get on....
PS: If I remember correctly our decade resistance box helped us with this issue originally: https://www.tindie.com/products/AnalysI ... rod_search
Our A.IR Shield ESP8266/ESP32 is available via: https://www.analysir.com/blog/product/a ... ed-module/
If you don't have a 5K6 or 5K8 try adding in some 100R, 470R and/or 220R in series or come up with an alternative parallel combination.
Post back how you get on....
PS: If I remember correctly our decade resistance box helped us with this issue originally: https://www.tindie.com/products/AnalysI ... rod_search
Our A.IR Shield ESP8266/ESP32 is available via: https://www.analysir.com/blog/product/a ... ed-module/
Re: Wemos d1 mini failed to boot with Esp8266 HAck
Thanks for your quick reply. Yes that post exactly.
I'll try your suggestions with the resistors, I hope it workss since I have 4 SendIR modules and same quantity of D1 mins. I'll let you know once I get home this afternoon.
I'll also try it with the Nodemcu board, I have two of those. Btw, great job on the Analysir software, I'm having a blast decoding signals.
I have 3 Samsung ACs which I'm automating with Home Assistant and Alexa. I´ll keep posting my progress.
I'll try your suggestions with the resistors, I hope it workss since I have 4 SendIR modules and same quantity of D1 mins. I'll let you know once I get home this afternoon.
I'll also try it with the Nodemcu board, I have two of those. Btw, great job on the Analysir software, I'm having a blast decoding signals.
I have 3 Samsung ACs which I'm automating with Home Assistant and Alexa. I´ll keep posting my progress.
Re: Wemos d1 mini failed to boot with Esp8266 HAck
Did a quick test at lunch, used 5k1 + 330R+ 220R in series and it's working now. I'll solder all up this afternoon and let you know.
Re: Wemos d1 mini failed to boot with Esp8266 HAck
Finished soldering, preraring now to encase it inside the altoids can
. Integrated now with HASSIO and Alexa,all working great.
Messy job soldering though... with the mini running... Thanks for your support.

Messy job soldering though... with the mini running... Thanks for your support.
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Re: Wemos d1 mini failed to boot with Esp8266 HAck

...DIY is lots of fun though!