Question about remotes from different AC units

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Question about remotes from different AC units

Post by desperado »

I have three different models of Mitsubishi AC units.
I have the following units MSZ-FE12NA, MSZ-GE09NA, and MSY-D36NA

I find the remotes for each unit works with the others.

Then I found software that works to issue IR commands to my split systems. It works fine on the 4 MSZ-xxxxxx units. But it doesn't work on the MSY-D36NA unit.

The part I don't understand is how is it possible that the remotes for the other MSZ units work with the MSY-D36NA but this software doesn't?

I want to get the MSY-D36NA working with this software. It's actually the unit I most wanted to be able to control. So I am trying to figure out what the best strategy (for a complete newbie) to get it working.

The software I am using is found here.
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Re: Question about remotes from different AC units

Post by AnalysIR »


I am not 100% sure, but....

I have noticed that some AC IR remotes tend to send 2 different signals with each button press. It could be that the manufacturer does that intentially so that one remote can work with multiple different AC units/models.

If you record the signals using an Arduino and/or a Software tool like AnalysIR, you should be able to determine what the actual issue is.

PS: It could also be that the timings being used are a bit off & one of the UNITs can handle it , but the other cannot. Carrier frequency could be another factor.

Interesting issue, so please post back when you resolve it.
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Re: Question about remotes from different AC units

Post by desperado »

I would like to give solving this a shot. I have never worked with Arduino devices before. I tend to use Raspberry which are quite different from what I am researching for this project. The Pi's have a full OS while the Arduino's seem to me more specialized.

Arduino has so many different versions I found it a bit overwhelming trying to figure out what to purchase.

Can you recommend the correct rigs to purchase for
1) performing the analysis
2) hosting the software I am using (
I am wondering if perhaps it will work better on Arduino instead of PIzerow.

My first take is this seems like a good choice ... ed-module/

If I could just install Analysis IR on my PiZeroW rig, that's an option also. I have a IR send/receive board installed on these devices.
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Re: Question about remotes from different AC units

Post by AnalysIR »

Some initial comments:
- The receiver on that shield in your photo is not the best. see ... -revealed/
- You should be able to usethe emitter without an issue (Assuming the circuit is good)

We also support use of RPis with AnalysIR. In this case the RPi is used to capture the signal and sends it over the network to AnalysIR, which runs only on a Windows PCor VM running Windows. So in theory you could progress with what you have and a copy of need for Arduinos.

The module you referenced , our A.IR Shield nano is well suited to any system with a USB interface. It runs our own firmware for use with AnalysIR and come pre-loaded to run out of the box with AnalysIR on a Windows PC.

For RPi we have also made a python script available to use it direct via the RPi USB connector (no need to use GPIO Headers). You can use the included Pyton script or modify to suit your own needs.

So with our A.IR Shield Nano and the bundled Python script, you should be able to proceed OK with your project. Plus you could use the Arduino Nano(clone) as an entry to the Arduino world if you wish.

Arduino etc: Arduinos and other microcontrollers are much better suited to working with IR signals than RPi. In fact, I would suggest it is easier to get started with Arduino than a general comment.

Links: ... hon_script ... ry-pi-rpi/
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