Recommended IR receivers

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Recommended IR receivers

Post by AnalysIR »

The recommended IR receivers are as described as part of the original IR starter kits. see..... ... 1377019299

IR Receivers - for decoding with AnalysIR

IR Receivers - for deployment in a project

IR emitter

The first 2 are the best for use with AnalysIR and the others are best for deployment depending on your application.
These are all thru-hole, but there are also SMD and different sizes available.

The TSSP4038 is used for decoding because it has no AGC; and the TSMP58000 is a dedicated learner with a very wide frequency range, which passes thru the full modulated signal. You only need the TSMP58000 if you want to measure modulation frequency.

However, any IR receiver (3-pin) should work fine with AnalysIR. Although, we recommend avoiding the really cheap ones.
We only use the better quality Vishay IR receivers.
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Re: Recommended IR receivers for Air Conditioners etc

Post by AnalysIR »

See also our ongoing review of IR receivers suitable for use with Air Conditioners and save a few dollars and lots more in wasted time.

ACs usually have very long bitstreams, which some infrared receivers are designed to treat as noise and thus reject them.

The review can be found here: ... p?f=5&t=16

If you are planning on decoding your AC remote, then be sure to check out the best receviers for the job in the post above. Similarly, if you have had a good or bad experience with a particular IR receiver, why not post your own results via the link above.
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