Getting started

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Getting started

Post by edilson »

Hi all,
Is there a tutorial on how to read SHARP TV's signals ?
I keep getting different reading using the same button, some times it reads 2 rows some times one.
Analysir does not find manufacturer (Valid IR Code not found )
I'm using the Lear IR Shield with Arduino nano purchased from Analyir.
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Re: Getting started

Post by AnalysIR »

Post another screenshot after a signal capture. But this time include the bottom of the window.

FYI: You should have LearnIR selected as source.
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Re: Getting started

Post by edilson »

New image with bottom of the screen.
With Shield Nano selected I can read my Samsung remote not the "Sharp TV" one.
But with LearnIR selected it doesn't read anything'
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Re: Getting started

Post by AnalysIR »

Thanks for that.

I just checked my records and I see you ordered an A.IR shield Nano...but not a LearnIR module.

So if you don't have a LearnIR Module, you can not use it as a source. So stick with the A.IR shield Nano as the source.
(If I am wrong let me know).

The signal looks unusual but somewhat consistent, so lets follow up on that using the Nano Shield.
(One thing to be aware of - is that the protocol name doesn't always follow the Manufacturers brand name. Many resell devices made by other manufacturers)

- Under Protocols...Select AC Only and then select toggle (This will enable most of the non-Air Conditioner protocols.)
- Try recording the signals again to see if it recognized.

If that does not work, post the model number of the Sharp TV & I will see if I have sample signals to review. Also, record a full set of signals from the remote and put the Name of the remote button in the Button field. Then email me or post a saved Session File of the recorded signals and I will investigate further (Menu->File->Save Session). When recording hold the remote about 1m/1yard away from the Nano and point the LED directly at the receiver(s).
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Re: Getting started

Post by AnalysIR »

Here are some Aquos signals (At least one of them is the power button, not sure if it is the right model)

LIR: 26 0104 071C 0104 030C 0104 A84A 0F 15 00 10 11 10 12 0F 14 01 10 10 00 10 0F

LIR: 26 0140 0690 0140 02A8 0140 A84A 0F 15 00 10 11 10 12 0F 14 01 10 10 00 10 0F

LIR: 26 00EA 06E8 00EA 02F2 00EA A690 01 11 00 01 00 01 00 12 01 11 01 10 11 10 11 02 0F

LIR: 26 0140 0690 0140 02A8 0140 A690 01 11 00 01 00 01 00 12 01 11 01 10 11 10 11 02 0F

You can import them in to AnalysIR and try sending them using AnalysIR using the A.IR Shield Nano (one at a time). Menu->File->Import IR Signal

To Send a signal in History Menu->Power Tools->Send IR

If they work it will provide some clues for follow up.

Note: If that is a 3d TV, make sure to record the signals when the TV is off, in case there is any interference from the TV itself. Also make sure there is no sunlight in play.
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