analysir.ini configuration file

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analysir.ini configuration file

Post by arishy »

according to your default setup
If you look at the end ....
I changed to:
Com_Port_Ignore= #list to ignore if experiencing issues
Com_Port_Include= #list to include in drop-down always (comma separated list)
#Custom_BAUD_Rate=115200 #Standard BAUD rate is 115200. Do not change or uncomment this line unless instructed by support
#Set your default COM port here
#ComPort=COM27:Arduino #Automatically inserted by AnalysIR
ComPort=COM33:"USB IR Toy" #Automatically inserted by AnalysIR

The reason for the change:
1. I do not use arduino
2. I am using w10 and I cannot change the source from the GUI I tried everything short cut ctl alt G no way ....

Can you help ????
I want the default to USB IR Toy.......

P.S I even tried with the quotes
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Re: analysir.ini configuration file

Post by AnalysIR »

I am not sure if I fully understand you post.

I am assuming you are using Windows 10 (W10).

To select a source, you must first connect your device in via USB and then select the COM port nunber for it from the dropdown box at the bottom of the screen.

The red box should turn green once the Serial USB device is opened correctly.

Only then can you select a source.

(If you do not follow this exactly, the source defaults to Arduino as the source.)

You did not mention what Source device you are trying to connect up. It should be one of the supported devices, unless you want to port the firmware to a new device)

Also, make sure to follow the instructions provided for your device (see both Infographic & User Guide)
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