error "Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32"

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error "Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32"

Post by HenryGab »


I'm getting an unexpected error message when trying to capture some IR signals. Can you help me understand what might cause this type of error?

Code: Select all

LearnIR - invalid, noisy or corrupted signal received from LearnIR: 

Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32.

LIR: 58 0496 016A 0190 046C 0498 1A54 00 10 0F 16 20 01 00 F1 62 00 10 0F 16 20 01 00 F1 62 00 10 0F 16 20 01 00 F1 62 00 10 0F 16 20 01 00 F1 62 00 10 0F 16 0F
1. The remote in question came with a Comfort Zone CZ230ER ceiling-mounted space heater (
2. Capturing via LearnIR (v1, Rev. E)
3. AnalysIR v1.16.100.8137
4. Same HW/SW combo reliably captures many other IR signals, just this heater remote seems to expose this
5. Even when the error occurs capturing the signal, the LearnIR module flashes 38 (38kHz carrier detect)
6. I have confirmed the 38kHz carrier, ~40-50% duty cycle (using a Rigol DS1054 scope and the "silver bullet")

Not sure of the best way to describe the signal that causes this error, so I'll just stumble through a description of the apparent encoding:

The scope shows what looks like a 12-bit pattern is repeated while the button is held (at least 3x?):

Code: Select all

110 110 000 001  POWER (toggle)
Where each bit is encoded in 64 cycles @ 38kHz;
Where a one bit is 48 cycles on, 16 cycles off;
Where a zero bit is 16 cycles on, 48 cycles off;

Thus, 12-bit pattern takes ~768 cycles, with ~256 additional cycles "off" between repeated transmissions of the twelve bits.
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Re: error "Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32"

Post by AnalysIR »

It looks like an application error as opposed to a LearnIR device error.

I will email you the V2 application to see if it is better.

The signal you posted decodes fine for me on AnalysIR. When recording signals I suggest you only press the remote briefly (vs holding down for a long time and keep the remote 1->2m from the IR receiver, while pointed directly at it.
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Re: error "Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32"

Post by HenryGab »

Although the issue manifested in AnalysIR software, the short version: Heisenbug that went away after 24 hours.

I was then able to capture all the signals in AnalysIR ... doing it manually with the `scope was not particularly fun.

THANK YOU for the support, even if underlying cause was not discovered!
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