My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

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My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AniruddhJoshi »

IR sender and receiver circuit diagram.png
My AC is Whirlpool split AC but don't know the exact model. IRremote library tells me that the type is "Unknown" I have a problem that if I send the same raw data that get with the dump, my AC (Whirlpool) does not recognize it. Can you please help? Any help appreciated much

I capture with the standard method "if (irrecv.decode(&results))" and save for later (attached full code and circuit diagram). I have assembled 2 PCBs one for receiving and one for sending
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AnalysIR »

I will stay with the receiver part for now...

IR Receiver: That IR receiver you show is probably the worst you can get - but that is not likely your problem.
- I suggest you start again using the SimpleReceiver from the IRremote examples on Github. (You should only have to change the pin definition.)
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AniruddhJoshi »

Thanks! As you suggested, I started with SimpleReceiver. I am getting the following output for Off and On buttons. Should I store this as it is and send or any modification is requited?

START ..\SimpleReceiver.cpp from May 4 2024
>>>For Off button
Using library version 4.3.1
Ready to receive IR signals of protocols: NEC/NEC2/Onkyo/Apple, at pin 2
Received noise or an unknown (or not yet enabled) protocol
+1000,- 500
+1000,-2550 +1000,- 500 +1000,-2600 +1000,-2550
+1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,- 500 +1000,-2550
+1000,- 550 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 550
+1000,- 450 +1050,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,-2550
+1000,-2550 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2600 +1000,-2550
+1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550
+1050,- 500 +1000,-2550 + 950,-2600 + 950,- 550
Sum: 109600

>>>For On button
Received noise or an unknown (or not yet enabled) protocol
+1000,- 500
+1000,-2550 +1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550
+1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 550 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,- 500 +1000,-2550
+1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,-2550
+1000,- 500 +1000,- 550 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500 +1000,-2550
+1000,-2550 +1000,- 550 +1000,- 500 +1000,- 500
+1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550
+1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550 +1000,- 500
+1050,- 450 +1050,-2550 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550
+1000,- 500 +1000,-2550 +1000,-2550 +1000,- 500
Sum: 111600
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AniruddhJoshi »

Thanks a ton!!!
Your suggestion to use SimpleReceiver led me to use another example - ReceiveAndSend. I made changes to the assembled PCB to have both trancemitter and receiver, and a button. I recorded the "On" command and now on button press it sends the "On" command and the AC turns on!!! It works of the "off" button as well. I will record some more buttons and see if it is successful too. I will post the results of that here
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AnalysIR »


- You will see that the buffer size of 100 may limit the size of signal received.
- It appears that the ON/OFF signal is less than 100 in size. (=71)
- That may not be the case for all the other signals.

So if you receive issues with the other signal simply increase the size defined for rawData in the library.

ref: Whirlpool mini split Air Conditioner (AC)
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AnalysIR »

FYI: you should be able to increase the IR current up to ~300mA for even better performance/range.

(assuming you are using a 5mm LED)
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AniruddhJoshi »

Thanks, I will do both. For increasing the buffer size, is the following okay (this is already done in ReceiveAndSend.cpp)

#if !defined(RAW_BUFFER_LENGTH)
# if RAMEND <= 0x4FF || RAMSIZE < 0x4FF
# elif RAMEND <= 0xAFF || RAMSIZE < 0xAFF // 0xAFF for LEONARDO
#define RAW_BUFFER_LENGTH 400 // 600 is too much here, because we have additional uint8_t rawCode[RAW_BUFFER_LENGTH];
# else
# endif
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AnalysIR »

just try increasing the value until you stop getting more pulses in your capture.
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AniruddhJoshi »

One more question, rather than recording and playing back sequences for every command/button, any clue if it is possible to understand which part is let's say 25 degrees, which part is turbo on or off etc.? This way I can "compose" the raw data to be sent...
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Re: My AC does not recognize if I send what I captured with IRremote

Post by AniruddhJoshi »

received data.png
My analysis.png
I did further analysis into this, it seems there is a header, and 8 bytes for each setting, please tell me if my interpretation is correct? (attached screenshots)
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