Phase 1 - Update #1

For AnalysIR backers to discuss topics related to the campaign & initial release of AnalysIR. Posting here is for Backers only.
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Phase 1 - Update #1

Post by AnalysIR »

Thanks to everyone who downloaded AnalysIR for Phase 1 this week.

We would appreciate, if you could report back on how you are getting on, via email and include the following, as appropriate:

Windows platform being used:
(e.g. Win 7 64 bit )
Virtual machine: Yes or No
Network: Wi-Fi, LAN or VPN
Arduino Platforms tested: (e.g. UNO)
Arduino Status: OK or elaborate
Raspberry Pi Platform tested: Model A or Model B
RPi Status: OK or elaborate
IR receiver(s) used: provide model number, if available.
Protocols Tested: provide a list & and if any issues.

Phase 1 Update:
- We have resolved the issue with Toggle and #bits not being reported correctly and will include fix in next the software Update.
- One user testing using a VPN, reported problems with the registration 'KEY' not working properly. If you experience similar or related problems, email us for the workaround. We plan to investigate and implement a more permanent fix for this later on.

- We received delivery of an Arduino Due during the week and successfully ported our Arduino code to the Due platform with surprisingly fewer code changes than we anticipated. Full marks to the Arduino team for consistency. However, getting the Due recognised as a serial port on Windows seems to be an even bigger challenge than the Leonardo. Most of the time we spent porting to the Due was purely 'serial' recognition related. We plan to merge & include the Due code as part of the install package in a week or 2. However, if you have one and want to try it out before then, send us a request by email. (we will just email the 'interim/raw Due' code to you)

Finally, thank you all for your efforts and feel free to suggest any enhancements you think will improve AnalysIR.

The AnalysIR Team
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