Enable Window Resizing

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Enable Window Resizing

Post by jayo »

Would it be possible to enable window resizing to your development list?
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Re: Enable Window Resizing

Post by AnalysIR »

Thanks for the request & input.

You will be happy to know that it is already on the wish list, but at a medium priority.

We have a few more things to focus on before we get to it. (i.e. even more protocols supported etc)

The reason we settled on this size is because it covers a lot of PCs and most new ones. One user is able to run it on a netbook.

Keeping the size fixed ,allows a more consistent experience. Once we get into dynamic layout, a load more challenges and support issues come into play.
[Of course if we had a few more developers on board, it would be a breeeze :) ]

We would be interested in understanding, what you could achieve with a larger main window vs the current size? BTW: I presumed you meant making the window larger (vs re-sizing/making it smaller)
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