i have used
http://www.analysir.com/blog/2014/03/19 ... s-arduino/
guide for record my ir raw for Air Conditioners
once recorded the ir, how should I do to send it to the air conditioner ?
I tried so but it does not work
Code: Select all
#include <IRremote.h>
IRsend irsend;
unsigned int power_ON[229] ={ 3068, 3060, 3048, 4428, 592, 1624, 592, 524, 592, 1604, 608, 524, 616, 480, 612, 1624, 592, 1596, 608, 512, 632, 480, 612, 1624, 592, 1624, 592, 1620, 616, 1580, 612, 504, 612, 496, 612, 504, 612, 504, 612, 1604, 612, 1604, 612, 500, 616, 1600, 612, 1624, 592, 496, 612, 508, 612, 500, 616, 500, 612, 524, 592, 504, 612, 504, 612,504, 612, 496, 612, 504, 612, 504, 612, 1604, 612, 504, 612, 1604, 608, 524, 592, 504, 612, 496, 612, 508, 612, 504, 636, 480, 612, 1600, 612, 504, 612, 504, 636, 480, 612, 496, 612, 508, 608, 524, 596, 500, 612, 1604, 612, 524, 592, 1600, 636, 480, 612, 516, 592, 1596, 612, 504, 612, 1624, 640, 472, 592, 1604, 612, 504, 612, 1600, 612, 496, 616, 1592, 636, 480, 612, 504, 612, 504, 612, 500, 636, 480, 612, 504, 612, 496, 636, 484, 612, 504, 612, 504, 608, 504, 612, 504, 612, 504, 636, 480, 612, 496, 612, 508, 612, 500, 612, 508, 608, 504, 612, 504, 612, 504, 636, 500, 592, 492, 616, 504, 612, 504, 636, 480, 612, 504, 612, 504, 612, 504, 612, 500, 616, 492, 612, 508, 612, 504, 636, 480, 612, 504, 612, 504, 632, 480, 612, 1604, 612, 496, 612, 1596, 612, 500, 612, 1604, 636, 1580, 636, 1576, 636, 1580, 636, 1580, 612, 516, 592, 1588, 636 };
void setup()
void loop() {
if (Serial.read() != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
irsend.sendRaw(power_ON, 229, 3);