Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

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Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by xefil »

Hello to all!

I've posted this thread already on Arduino forum, but I'm here to ask held as well :)
original forum:

I'm trying to clone a command sent by a remote that acts to turn ON or OFF a stove.
I've found this library which should do well the stuff I need:

Following different tutorials I'm still blocked, I can't replicate the signal.

Let me make a step back. Hardware for my tests:

2x Arduino nano.

First Arduino with:
1x IR Receiver 1838T
Sketch loaded: Example 'IRrecvDump':

Code: Select all

 * IRremote: IRrecvDump - dump details of IR codes with IRrecv
 * An IR detector/demodulator must be connected to the input RECV_PIN.
 * Version 0.1 July, 2009
 * Copyright 2009 Ken Shirriff
 * JVC and Panasonic protocol added by Kristian Lauszus (Thanks to zenwheel and other people at the original blog post)
 * LG added by Darryl Smith (based on the JVC protocol)

#include <IRremote.h>

int RECV_PIN = 11;

IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);

decode_results results;

void setup()
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

// Dumps out the decode_results structure.
// Call this after IRrecv::decode()
// void * to work around compiler issue
//void dump(void *v) {
//  decode_results *results = (decode_results *)v
void dump(decode_results *results) {
  int count = results->rawlen;
  if (results->decode_type == UNKNOWN) {
    Serial.print("Unknown encoding: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == NEC) {
    Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == SONY) {
    Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == RC5) {
    Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == RC6) {
    Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == PANASONIC) { 
    Serial.print("Decoded PANASONIC - Address: ");
    Serial.print(" Value: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == LG) {
     Serial.print("Decoded LG: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == JVC) {
     Serial.print("Decoded JVC: ");
  Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
  Serial.print(" (");
  Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
  Serial.println(" bits)");
  Serial.print("Raw (");
  Serial.print(count, DEC);
  Serial.print("): ");

  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    if ((i % 2) == 1) {
      Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
    else {
      Serial.print(-(int)results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
    Serial.print(" ");

void loop() {
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
    irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

Second Arduino with:
1x IR LED sender connected on PWM 3 through 330Ohm resistor

Test 1:
Decode SONY signal:

Sending a signal from a SONY remote to the Receiver, I get:

Code: Select all

Decoded SONY: 540A (15 bits)
Raw (32): -27774 2500 -450 1200 -600 600 -600 1150 -600 600 -600 1150 -600 600 -600 550 -600 600 -600 600 -550 600 -600 600 -600 1150 -600 600 -600 1150 -600 600
It means, a SONY signal was recognized. So, I try to send it unsing sony library with this example:

Sketch on the Sender:

Code: Select all

#include <IRremote.h>

IRsend irsend;

void setup()

void loop() {
     irsend.sendSony(0x540A, 15);

After uploading this sketch, the receiver obatins a cloned signal and it works on the SONY DVD player. I can turn the player ON and OFF. The receiver get:

Code: Select all

Decoded SONY: 540A (15 bits)
Raw (32): -18630 2550 -450 1350 -450 750 -450 1350 -450 750 -450 1250 -550 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -550 650 -600 1200 -550 600 -600 1200 -600 600
Decoded SONY: 540A (15 bits)
Raw (32): -18580 2550 -450 1350 -450 750 -450 1350 -450 700 -500 1250 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 1200 -550 650 -600 1200 -550 600
Decoded SONY: 540A (15 bits)
Raw (32): -18680 2550 -450 1300 -450 750 -500 1300 -450 750 -450 1250 -550 650 -550 650 -550 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600 -600 1150 -650 600
So, I would like the transmit this exact signal in RAW format to be sure I'm using the right way. Looking on the RAW output I have in the first line:

Code: Select all

Raw (32): -18630 2550 -450 1350 -450 750 -450 1350 -450 750 -450 1250 -550 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -550 650 -600 1200 -550 600 -600 1200 -600 600
The first number '-18630' is the delay I've put between signal loop, I should delete.
Then, SONY signal should be sent at 40Khz.
So I've created this sketch that shoud send the signal first with RAW library, then with SONY library:

Code: Select all

#include <IRremote.h>

IRsend irsend;

unsigned int sonyPower[]       = {2550,450,1350,450,750,450,1350,450,750,450,1250,550,650,550,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,550,650,600,1200,550,600,600,1200,600,600};
void setup()

void loop() {

     // send variable sonyPower in length 31 at 40 Khz
     irsend.sendSony(0x540A, 15);
BUT I can decode only the second signal as SONY. The first is unrecognized. The receiver gets:

Code: Select all

Unknown encoding: EE2AFAB (32 bits)
Raw (32): -18630 2750 -250 1500 -300 900 -300 1450 -350 800 -400 1250 -550 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -550 650 -600 1200 -550 600 -600 1200 -550 600
Decoded SONY: 540A (15 bits)
Raw (32): -18030 2600 -400 1400 -400 800 -400 1350 -450 750 -450 1250 -600 600 -550 650 -550 600 -600 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600
Unknown encoding: EE2AFAB (32 bits)
Raw (32): -18630 2700 -300 1500 -300 900 -300 1450 -350 800 -400 1250 -550 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -550 650 -600 1150 -600 600 -550 1200 -650 600
Decoded SONY: 540A (15 bits)
Raw (32): -18030 2550 -450 1350 -400 750 -500 1300 -450 750 -500 1200 -550 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600
Unknown encoding: EE2AFAB (32 bits)
Raw (32): -18630 2750 -250 1500 -300 900 -300 1450 -350 850 -350 1300 -500 700 -500 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -550 650 -600 1200 -550 550 -650 1150 -650 550
Decoded SONY: 540A (15 bits)
Raw (32): -18030 2550 -450 1350 -450 750 -450 1350 -500 700 -450 1250 -600 600 -600 600 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600
Unknown encoding: 791C87DE (32 bits)
Raw (32): -18630 2700 -300 1500 -300 900 -300 1450 -350 800 -400 1300 -500 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -550 650 -600 1200 -550 600 -600 1200 -550 600
Decoded SONY: 540A (15 bits)
Raw (32): -18080 2550 -450 1350 -400 750 -500 1300 -450 750 -500 1200 -550 650 -600 600 -550 600 -600 600 -650 550 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600 -600 1200 -600 600
Unknown encoding: EE2AFAB (32 bits)
Raw (32): -18630 2750 -250 1500 -300 900 -300 1450 -350 850 -350 1300 -500 700 -500 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -550 650 -550 1200 -600 600 -550 1200 -600 650

What's wrong? What I'm missing?

If i change frequence from 40 to 38, same result.

Thanks for the help!

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Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by AnalysIR »


Yuour problem is that the timings are a bit off.

Change every value to the nearest of

You should only have these values in your buffer for sending SONY. This problem is caused by:
1. IRremote measures only +/- 50 uSecs. It is possible to change this in the library internals.
2. Your may not be tuned for 40kHz and it is distorting the timings a bit more
3. It a bit like taking a photocopy of a photo copy...the quality degrades.
4. By far the best method to use is irsend.sendSony(0x540A, 15);

Let me know how you get on.
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Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by AnalysIR »

Oh I just noticed your IR Receiver..its 38kHz and the same as the one featured in our latest blog post.

My guess is that your 1838T is another name for the vs1838b, which should be avoided (e.g. save 90 cents and waste hours chasing the inevitable problems.....)

see ... -revealed/

In summary, this IR receiver is cheap for a reason. You will get much better mileage using a receiver from Vishay. TSOPxxxx.

We have a list of suggested IR receivers on our website: ... nent-kits/

Also see the following blog post for an explanation of some of the issues related to your problem: ... ignal-lag/
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Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by xefil »

Thank you a lot for your suggestions!
Meanwhile, thanks to this forum too, I was able to send a RAW SONY Signal successfully. I've modified a little the code from:

Code: Select all

     // send variable sonyPower in length 31 at 40 Khz

Code: Select all

     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
In this way I was able to send the signal in RAW and have it recognized on the arduino receiver as well as on the SONY DVD player.

First question:

Why this loop with 'sizeof(stoveBeep)/sizeof(int)' should do the trick?

Then, after that, I've tried to send the stove signal as well, but with no luck.

I've tested to send it cycling different kHz with this code:

Code: Select all

void loop() {
     for (int khz = 30; khz < 71; khz++) {
       Serial.print("Sending signal at: ");
       Serial.println(" kHz");
       // Stove in RAW
       for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

But it doesn't work. What could be the cause? The receiver on the stove is out of range? But in this case I should not obtain a signal on the Arduino when I try to read the raw data from the remote.

Thanks for the help!

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Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by AnalysIR »

One thing to try:

- SONY signals are always sent a minimum of 3 times with a gap of around 21mS between each signal.(15 bit format)
- Some systems will ignore the signal unless it receives 2 or 3 good signals.
- This is clear from the irsendDemo example in IRremote...although a 40mS gap is used there.

Also, did you change the timings as I mentioned in my first post?

Why are you spending time using sendRAW when "sendSONY" is much better????
(However, you still need to send it 3 times)

Finally, I could not see your stoveBeep signal??...did you include it & is it also a Sony signal???
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Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by xefil »

AnalysIR wrote: Why are you spending time using sendRAW when "sendSONY" is much better????
(However, you still need to send it 3 times)
I know it's much better. It was only a test to check if I was able to use send.RAW in a situation where a well known SONY signal was sent.
After that I'm moving to the Stove signal, which is not known.
AnalysIR wrote: Finally, I could not see your stoveBeep signal??...did you include it & is it also a Sony signal???
Sorry, the signals are:

Code: Select all

unsigned int stoveOn[]       = {3200,600,600,600,1450,250,1350,350,1300,350,1300,400,1200,850,400,850,1250,450,1250,400,1250,850,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,400,1250,400,1350,350,1250,400};
unsigned int stoveOff[]      = {3200,600,600,650,1400,250,1350,350,1300,350,1300,400,1250,400,1250,850,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400};
unsigned int stoveBeep[]     = {1350,350,1300,800,450,800,1250,450,1200,850,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,450,800,1250,850,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400,1250,450};
Do I need to change them to 600-1200-2400-3000 as well? (why?)
They are three different signals created using the same button on the remote. On and Off are generated if I press for two seconds the remote. First press goes to ON, second press to OFF, and so one...
The Stove emits a long beep and it starts or stop the fire.
If I press the button fast it sends a signal like a "ping". The stove does nothing, simple plays a fast beep.
I've taken more or less 30 signals per kind and then choosen the signals that are most similar.

The stofe, if it could help, is a Edilkamin Cherie.

Any suggestion on how understood witch kHz to use or any information could help me to solve the problem?


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Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by AnalysIR »


It looks like this is a proprietary format & not Sony - so forget about changing the timings for now.

Please upload at least 3 recordings of each signal in this format, so I can import it into AnalysIR:
Raw (xx): 3200,-600,600,-600,.....etc

The only common modulation frequencies worth trying are: 38, 49, 36, 56, 33, 30 kHz. 455kHz is also used rarely.
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Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by xefil »

Here some raw signals:

Stove Beep:

Code: Select all

Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -3096 1400 -250 1300 -800 450 -850 1250 -400 1200 -900 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -850 1200 -900 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -29410 1400 -250 1350 -800 450 -850 1200 -450 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -850 1250 -850 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 350
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 26554 1450 -250 1350 -750 450 -800 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -22582 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -900 1250 -800 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -1632 1400 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1200 -500 1200 -900 350 -1300 350 -1300 350 -1350 350 -900 1200 -900 350 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 350
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -7368 1400 -300 1300 -850 400 -850 1200 -450 1200 -900 400 -1300 350 -1300 350 -1300 400 -850 1200 -900 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 350 -1350 350 -1300 350 -1350 350 -1300 350
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -2432 1400 -350 1300 -800 400 -850 1250 -450 1200 -900 350 -1300 350 -1300 350 -1350 350 -900 1200 -900 350 -1300 350 -1300 350 -1350 350 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 350
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -31704 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -850 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1300 350
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 20982 1350 -350 1300 -850 400 -850 1200 -450 1200 -900 350 -1350 300 -1350 350 -1350 300 -900 1200 -900 350 -1350 300 -1350 350 -1350 300 -1350 350 -1350 300 -1350 300 -1350 350 -1300 350 -1350 350
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 1646 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -850 1200 -450 1200 -900 350 -1350 350 -1300 350 -1300 400 -850 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 350 -1350 350 -1300 350 -1300 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 32704 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -5804 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -800 1250 -850 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -7054 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1300 -400 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 846 1350 -350 1250 -800 450 -850 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -850 1200 -900 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 4596 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1300 -400 1200 -900 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 2846 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -1704 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -17304 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -13054 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -20068 1350 -300 1300 -800 450 -850 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -850 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -25590 1350 -350 1250 -850 400 -850 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -32240 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 5046 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -850 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 14996 1350 -350 1250 -850 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -800 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -30640 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -29690 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -850 1200 -850 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 10110 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -18940 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -26390 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -850 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 29546 1350 -400 1250 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1250 -800 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 11960 1350 -300 1350 -750 500 -750 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1200 -850 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -12668 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 20832 1350 -300 1300 -850 400 -850 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -850 1200 -850 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 19032 1400 -250 1300 -850 450 -800 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 27932 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 11896 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -800 1250 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 21310 1350 -400 1200 -850 450 -800 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1200 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -5954 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -850 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 31482 1400 -300 1350 -750 450 -800 1300 -400 1200 -900 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -850 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 8996 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -850 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1250 -850 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -21054 1400 -300 1350 -750 500 -750 1300 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 21732 1350 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -800 1250 -850 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 8282 1350 -350 1250 -850 450 -800 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): 15446 1400 -300 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400
Unknown encoding: A67DE433 (32 bits)
Raw (40): -17604 1350 -350 1300 -800 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -900 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -850 1250 -850 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Stove ON:

Code: Select all

Unknown encoding: 7145651 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 30150 3200 -550 700 -550 1500 -150 1400 -250 1400 -300 1350 -350 1250 -850 400 -850 1250 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: 7145651 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 26210 3250 -550 600 -650 1400 -250 1350 -350 1250 -400 1250 -450 1250 -850 350 -850 1250 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 7145651 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 18896 3200 -600 600 -600 1450 -250 1350 -350 1300 -350 1300 -400 1200 -850 400 -850 1250 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1350 350 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 7145651 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -14098 3200 -550 600 -650 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -450 1250 -850 350 -900 1200 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 7145651 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -31862 3100 -650 600 -650 1400 -250 1350 -350 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -850 1200 -450 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 4A757849 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -26732 3200 -550 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -850 1250 -400 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: A391F3F9 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 26454 3250 -550 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -350 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -850 1200 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 88099E24 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -9968 3200 -550 650 -600 1450 -250 1400 -250 1350 -350 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -850 1250 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 4A757849 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -24504 3100 -650 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1200 -850 450 -800 1250 -450 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 4A757849 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 14554 3250 -500 700 -550 1450 -250 1400 -300 1250 -400 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -850 1250 -450 1200 -450 1200 -900 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A391F3F9 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 23418 3250 -550 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -350 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -850 1200 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: 4A757849 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -27882 3200 -550 700 -550 1450 -200 1450 -250 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -850 1250 -450 1200 -450 1200 -850 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 4A757849 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 18068 3200 -550 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -850 1250 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A391F3F9 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -13082 3250 -550 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -350 1250 -450 1250 -800 400 -850 1250 -400 1250 -500 1150 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 4A757849 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -8168 3200 -550 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -850 1250 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 7145651 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 20346 3150 -600 600 -650 1400 -250 1350 -350 1300 -350 1300 -400 1200 -850 400 -850 1250 -450 1200 -450 1250 -800 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400
Unknown encoding: 4A757849 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 2682 3200 -550 650 -600 1400 -300 1350 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -850 1250 -400 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: 4A757849 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -29168 3150 -600 650 -600 1450 -250 1350 -300 1300 -400 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -850 1250 -450 1200 -450 1250 -800 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: A391F3F9 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -25232 3200 -600 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -350 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -850 1250 -450 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Stove OFF:

Code: Select all

Unknown encoding: 56857C40 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -904 3150 -600 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -350 1300 -400 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: C87E5EA1 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 8746 3200 -600 600 -650 1400 -250 1350 -350 1300 -350 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: C87E5EA1 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 19038 3150 -600 600 -650 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -400 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: C87E5EA1 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -30876 3150 -600 650 -600 1450 -250 1300 -350 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: C87E5EA1 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 11524 3200 -550 600 -650 1400 -250 1350 -350 1300 -400 1200 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 56857C40 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -26340 3150 -600 650 -600 1450 -250 1350 -300 1350 -350 1250 -400 1250 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 13245A48 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 32282 3150 -600 650 -600 1450 -200 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -450 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: C87E5EA1 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -32654 3200 -550 650 -600 1450 -250 1350 -350 1250 -400 1250 -450 1200 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: C87E5EA1 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -13254 3200 -600 600 -650 1400 -250 1350 -350 1300 -400 1200 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: BDF8099 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -16282 3200 -550 650 -600 1450 -250 1400 -250 1350 -350 1300 -400 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: BA07DE98 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -14104 3250 -500 700 -550 1450 -250 1350 -350 1300 -350 1250 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1200 400 -1300 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 13245A48 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 22140 3250 -500 650 -600 1450 -200 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 64FBFC49 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 19418 3200 -550 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -350 1250 -450 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: BDF8099 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 27918 3200 -550 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1300 350 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: BDF8099 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -22046 3200 -550 700 -550 1450 -200 1450 -250 1350 -350 1250 -400 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
Unknown encoding: BDF8099 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 29654 3250 -500 650 -600 1400 -250 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: BA07DE98 (32 bits)
Raw (38): 16418 3200 -600 650 -600 1400 -250 1350 -350 1300 -350 1250 -450 1250 -400 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: BDF8099 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -8168 3250 -500 650 -600 1450 -250 1350 -300 1300 -400 1250 -450 1200 -450 1250 -850 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1200 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 400
Unknown encoding: 13245A48 (32 bits)
Raw (38): -2240 3150 -550 650 -600 1450 -200 1400 -300 1300 -400 1250 -400 1250 -450 1200 -850 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450
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Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by AnalysIR »

I looked at the signals and they are a bit unusual. This could be because your IR receiver is not working well.

I have included the code to resend them below FYI, but it may not work for you.

Code: Select all

Automatically Generated by AnalysIR - Batch Export Utility
Registered to: xxxxxxxx
Session History
Type : Key : Value : Bits
0 : RAW : Beep :  : 0
1 : RAW : Beep :  : 0
2 : RAW : Beep :  : 0
3 : RAW : OFF :  : 0
4 : RAW : OFF :  : 0
5 : RAW : ON :  : 0
6 : RAW : ON :  : 0
7 : RAW : ON :  : 0

// NB: Not all protocols are supported by IRremote or IRLib. You may need to edit the code below manually
// Automatically Generated by AnalysIR for xxxxxxxx, visit or email info@....... for further details
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct modulation frequency

unsigned int Signal_Beep_0[] = {1450,250,1350,750,450,800,1250,450,1250,850,400,1250,400,1250,400,1300,400,850,1250,850,400,1250,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1300,350,1300,400,1250,400}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_Beep_0, sizeof(Signal_Beep_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  Beep

unsigned int Signal_Beep_1[] = {1400,250,1350,800,450,850,1200,450,1200,900,350,1300,400,1300,350,1300,400,850,1250,850,350,1300,400,1300,350,1300,400,1250,400,1300,400,1300,350,1300,400,1250,400,1300,350}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_Beep_1, sizeof(Signal_Beep_1)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  Beep

unsigned int Signal_Beep_2[] = {1400,250,1300,800,450,850,1250,400,1200,900,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,850,1200,900,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,400,1300,350,1300,400,1250,400}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_Beep_2, sizeof(Signal_Beep_2)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  Beep

unsigned int Signal_OFF_3[] = {3200,600,600,650,1400,250,1350,350,1300,350,1300,400,1250,400,1250,850,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_OFF_3, sizeof(Signal_OFF_3)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  OFF

unsigned int Signal_OFF_4[] = {3150,600,650,600,1400,250,1400,300,1300,350,1300,400,1250,450,1200,850,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400,1250,400}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_OFF_4, sizeof(Signal_OFF_4)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  OFF

unsigned int Signal_ON_5[] = {3200,550,600,650,1400,300,1300,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,850,350,900,1200,450,1250,400,1250,850,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400,1250,400}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_ON_5, sizeof(Signal_ON_5)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  ON

unsigned int Signal_ON_6[] = {3200,600,600,600,1450,250,1350,350,1300,350,1300,400,1200,850,400,850,1250,450,1250,400,1250,850,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,400,1250,400,1350,350,1250,400}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_ON_6, sizeof(Signal_ON_6)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  ON

unsigned int Signal_ON_7[] = {3250,550,600,650,1400,250,1350,350,1250,400,1250,450,1250,850,350,850,1250,450,1250,400,1250,850,400,1250,400,1250,450,1250,400,1250,400,1300,400,1250,400,1250,400}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_ON_7, sizeof(Signal_ON_7)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  ON
Just try to send only one at any time repeat.
Then vary the modulation from 38 to 40, 36, 56, 33, 30 kHz.
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct modulation frequency

If this does not work, then use the following script to record the signals as it will be more accurate than IRremote. ... s-arduino/
...and try the output and post a copy of your code here for reference.

If that doesn't work then I am afraid you need to consider a better IR Receiver .... as I mentioned earlier ..... cents vs hours & hours & hours......

...If you don't want to get a new receiver then look at the following article, we posted: ... eceiver-2/
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:34 am

Re: Arduino: Infrared Issue - Send RAW data

Post by xefil »

Many many thanks for your support and suggestions. I'll test it this evening or latest in the next days.
I'll let you know soon :)

Post Reply