Checksum frame for panasonic A/C

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Checksum frame for panasonic A/C

Post by psylo24 »

Dear all,

Regarding my first post ( ... ?f=5&t=513), I identified the values that match my buttons (horizontal swing, vertical swing, temperature, fan speed and mode) but now i've problem with the checksum of the second frame....

I don't find the correlation between my values and the checksum value.

I've make lots of capture (change mode, change swing, change temperature, change and change speed fan) and i observed that the checksum values that change are among the line 225 to 239 of my excel file.

But when I just change the temperature, checksum values are changing between line 427 and 435.

You can find in attachment an excel file with differents values of temperature ( line 235 to 241) and the checksum at line 427 to 435.

Thanks in advance for your help.

FYI : I tried to emulate section below but it did not work ( ... d-protocol)

When I have finished my project I would do an article on my remote
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Re: Checksum frame for panasonic A/C

Post by AnalysIR »

Hi psylo24

Normally, we would use the checksum calculator in AnalysIR to figure out the checksum (The reverse engineering tool also helps), which helps in more than 90% of cases, and I would ask users to send me a saved session file from AnalysIR if they needed help.

Unfortunately, as you don't have a copy and cant send me a session file, it would take too much time to work thru it (That is the reason we make the tool available - to save time)

However, if you watch the videos we posted - you might get some hints.

It is usually an XOR, SUM, CRC-8, CRC-16 or similar on a byte or nibble boundary.
The checksum usually is in the last byte/nibble of a signal (not always) and sometimes if there are 2 parts to the signals - you can have 2 checksums (identical or different).

TIP: The bit order may also be a factor)
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Re: Checksum frame for panasonic A/C

Post by psylo24 »

Hm ok,...

Well I think I'll buy the software but I would like to know the difference between "Marker" and "MarkerSpace" version ?!!

It's not clear on the following link :

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Re: Checksum frame for panasonic A/C

Post by AnalysIR »

Maker Edition => Non-commecial use
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Pro Edition => Commercial & all other uses

Currently, all editions provide the same functionality - but this may change in future (new users only)

These details are explained in the video at the top of the page you linked, plus the 'shop' page & I will look into adding more info to the page you linked.
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