Receive values too different

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Receive values too different

Post by javiercuellar »


I've been playing with IR for AC and I'm able to receive and transmite properly for all AC brands I've tested (10 or so) except for 1 OEM brand (DAGOR)
The remote code is TYPE: R51M/E

I was using IRremote.h library with the "100 RAWBUF limit" fix. With that library, the codes received where always the same for the same AC configuration (same length and almost same values for buffer), but didin't work when transmitting.

I test your sketch "Air Conditioners: Recording long Infrared Remote control signals with Arduino". Short answer, now it works.
Long answer: I receive code very different in length, like 199 values, 201 values, 203... all the way to 223 values. (I test to transmit all them and the 203 length is the one that works).

My questions are:

1- Whay will your sketch receive so many different codes? (only for the DAGOR AC, rest will receive almost always same values)
2- Can it be the IR-Receiver (I use TSPO.1738)?

Same values I receive:

Code: Select all

201 values:
{5400, 3420, 580, 1604, 580, 520, 576, 1612, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 1608, 580, 516, 636, 460, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 516, 584, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 1612, 660, 1524, 580, 516, 580, 516, 584, 1600, 584, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 628, 1560, 660, 436, 604, 1584, 580, 1604, 584, 516, 580, 516, 604, 492, 580, 516, 584, 516, 632, 464, 604, 492, 580, 516, 580, 516, 604, 492, 608, 492, 604, 492, 580, 516, 660, 1528, 628, 1560, 580, 1604, 628, 1556, 580, 1604, 584, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 660, 5144, 4500, 296, 276, 3732, 580, 1608, 576, 516, 584, 1608, 580, 1604, 628, 468, 580, 516, 584, 1604, 580, 516, 660, 436, 604, 1580, 580, 516, 584, 512, 608, 1580, 580, 1604, 632, 464, 608, 1584, 632, 1552, 580, 516, 580, 516, 604, 1584, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 580, 1604, 660, 436, 580, 1608, 580, 1604, 584, 516, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 520, 632, 464, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 516, 584, 516, 580, 516, 580, 516, 636, 1552, 580, 1604, 584, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 628}

219 values:
{4504, 412, 1656, 2232, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 1612, 580, 1608, 576, 516, 580, 516, 580, 316, 332, 960, 580, 516, 660, 436, 580, 480, 92, 1032, 580, 520, 576, 520, 580, 304, 280, 1024, 576, 1604, 580, 520, 576, 1612, 660, 1524, 580, 516, 580, 520, 576, 356, 252, 1000, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1608, 660, 436, 576, 1612, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 520, 576, 436, 664, 336, 760, 320, 832, 292, 748, 352, 744, 312, 832, 320, 732, 308, 788, 324, 1080, 200, 588, 472, 684, 316, 516, 720, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 656, 5144, 4500, 328, 1692, 2284, 580, 1604, 580, 520, 576, 1612, 576, 1608, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 1608, 576, 520, 660, 436, 580, 380, 204, 1024, 576, 516, 580, 520, 576, 360, 148, 1100, 580, 1604, 580, 520, 576, 1616, 656, 1524, 580, 516, 580, 520, 576, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1608, 656, 436, 580, 1612, 576, 1608, 580, 516, 580, 520, 576, 384, 712, 336, 812, 320, 784, 436, 624, 384, 712, 464, 660, 424, 832, 296, 616, 360, 736, 352, 772, 400, 704, 324, 460, 772, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1608, 600}

223 values:
{4468, 412, 1956, 1960, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 1612, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 332, 260, 1012, 580, 520, 660, 436, 580, 468, 204, 932, 580, 516, 580, 504, 592, 352, 280, 976, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 1612, 660, 1524, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 296, 356, 956, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 580, 1604, 660, 436, 580, 1256, 88, 264, 580, 1608, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 428, 668, 332, 764, 312, 1884, 320, 776, 304, 792, 360, 736, 344, 752, 320, 776, 520, 580, 488, 744, 308, 464, 324, 956, 696, 92, 820, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1608, 576, 1604, 660, 5144, 4500, 324, 1704, 2276, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 1612, 576, 1608, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 468, 284, 856, 576, 520, 712, 384, 580, 324, 332, 948, 580, 516, 580, 520, 576, 356, 148, 1104, 580, 1604, 580, 520, 576, 1612, 636, 1548, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 348, 104, 776, 104, 276, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1608, 656, 436, 580, 1612, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 520, 576, 376, 720, 396, 704, 312, 1880, 352, 744, 516, 604, 492, 628, 376, 696, 380, 716, 388, 708, 320, 1592, 396, 960, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1608, 652}

213 values:
{6624, 2172, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 1612, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 324, 388, 892, 580, 520, 660, 436, 576, 376, 336, 896, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 316, 356, 932, 580, 1608, 580, 516, 580, 1612, 656, 1524, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 340, 256, 984, 608, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 636, 460, 580, 1608, 580, 1608, 576, 516, 580, 520, 580, 320, 776, 324, 772, 356, 1836, 320, 776, 352, 1864, 324, 804, 416, 648, 384, 692, 332, 820, 312, 560, 304, 956, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1604, 660, 5144, 4500, 296, 1820, 2188, 580, 1608, 576, 516, 580, 1612, 576, 1608, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 364, 228, 1016, 576, 520, 660, 432, 584, 340, 256, 1008, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 516, 580, 1612, 632, 1552, 576, 520, 580, 516, 628, 452, 144, 960, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 660, 436, 576, 1612, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 520, 576, 364, 732, 336, 812, 368, 736, 352, 708, 496, 600, 420, 704, 372, 724, 328, 744, 336, 1884, 344, 760, 316, 368, 868, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 652}

203 values:  --> this is the working one
{4500, 4312, 660, 1524, 636, 464, 632, 1556, 632, 1552, 636, 464, 632, 464, 632, 1552, 632, 468, 632, 464, 604, 1580, 656, 440, 632, 464, 608, 1580, 632, 1552, 660, 436, 608, 1584, 660, 1524, 632, 464, 632, 464, 608, 1580, 632, 1552, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 604, 1204, 96, 280, 660, 436, 608, 1584, 632, 1552, 656, 440, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 464, 636, 464, 660, 436, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 464, 636, 464, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 464, 660, 1528, 632, 1556, 632, 1552, 632, 1552, 636, 1548, 664, 1524, 632, 1552, 632, 1552, 660, 1152, 176, 3816, 4576, 4228, 660, 1524, 632, 464, 636, 1556, 632, 1552, 608, 488, 608, 488, 632, 1556, 632, 464, 660, 436, 632, 1556, 632, 464, 632, 464, 608, 1576, 632, 1556, 656, 440, 632, 1560, 656, 1528, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 1552, 660, 1524, 660, 1528, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 660, 432, 632, 1560, 632, 1556, 632, 460, 636, 460, 636, 464, 632, 464, 632, 468, 660, 432, 608, 488, 632, 468, 632, 464, 632, 464, 608, 488, 632, 464, 636, 464, 636, 1552, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 628, 1556, 660, 1524, 632, 1556, 656, 1528, 632, 1556, 580}

199 values:
{4500, 4312, 632, 1552, 632, 468, 632, 1556, 628, 1556, 584, 516, 628, 468, 632, 1552, 632, 468, 660, 436, 604, 1580, 632, 464, 608, 488, 608, 1580, 580, 1608, 580, 512, 608, 1588, 656, 1528, 628, 464, 632, 468, 604, 1584, 580, 1604, 628, 1556, 580, 1604, 584, 1604, 660, 436, 604, 1584, 580, 1608, 580, 516, 604, 492, 604, 492, 608, 488, 608, 492, 636, 456, 608, 492, 604, 492, 632, 468, 604, 488, 632, 468, 604, 492, 632, 468, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 588, 1596, 584, 1604, 628, 1556, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 580, 1604, 632, 5172, 4880, 3924, 632, 1552, 632, 464, 632, 1560, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 604, 492, 632, 1556, 580, 516, 636, 460, 604, 1580, 632, 468, 604, 492, 604, 1580, 580, 1608, 580, 516, 604, 1588, 656, 1524, 584, 512, 632, 468, 604, 1580, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 580, 1608, 580, 1604, 660, 436, 580, 1612, 628, 1556, 628, 468, 632, 464, 604, 492, 608, 488, 632, 468, 636, 460, 604, 492, 608, 488, 608, 488, 632, 468, 604, 492, 604, 492, 608, 492, 632, 1552, 584, 1604, 580, 1604, 632, 1556, 628, 1556, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 580, 1604, 604}



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Re: Receive values too different

Post by AnalysIR »

Hi Javier

I have imported some of your signals into AnalysIR and it seems that your IR receiver is not able to handle the signals from your AC remote.
Something like the TSOP34438 from Vishay would be better.

Strangely, even the signal you said works is corrupted (but it may be a rare coincidence that it actually works)
My questions are:

1- Whay will your sketch receive so many different codes? (only for the DAGOR AC, rest will receive almost always same values)
2- Can it be the IR-Receiver (I use TSPO.1738)?
1. The problem is not with the sketch
2. The problem is with your IR receiver. Try to vary the distance from the remote to the receiver to see if you get more consistent results.

If that works, post the sketch output again for your signals & I will have a look at them for you.
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Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:15 pm

Re: Receive values too different

Post by javiercuellar »


It worked sending the IR signal from more then 50cm away of the sensor.
I will try with TSOP34438 from Vishay.

This are working codes.

This are 3 times the same configuration (ON- 17°,High vent)

Code: Select all

Raw: (199) 4500, 4308, 632, 1556, 628, 468, 632, 1556, 632, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 632, 468, 632, 460, 632, 1552, 632, 468, 628, 468, 632, 1552, 632, 1552, 632, 464, 632, 1560, 656, 440, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 632, 1552, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 656, 1528, 632, 1556, 632, 1552, 628, 1556, 628, 468, 632, 464, 632, 464, 656, 440, 632, 468, 628, 468, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 632, 1552, 632, 1552, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 656, 1528, 656, 1528, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 632, 5144, 4500, 4304, 632, 1552, 656, 440, 632, 1556, 632, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 468, 656, 1528, 632, 468, 632, 464, 628, 1556, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 1556, 628, 1556, 656, 440, 632, 1560, 632, 460, 632, 468, 656, 1528, 632, 1552, 656, 1528, 632, 1556, 656, 1528, 632, 1556, 632, 1552, 628, 1556, 656, 440, 632, 464, 632, 464, 656, 444, 628, 468, 628, 468, 632, 464, 632, 464, 656, 440, 632, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 632, 468, 632, 1548, 632, 1556, 656, 1528, 632, 1556, 628, 1552, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 632, 1556, 656, 

Raw: (199) 4496, 4304, 600, 1588, 600, 492, 632, 1580, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 1584, 604, 496, 576, 516, 600, 1584, 576, 524, 600, 516, 580, 1584, 624, 1560, 600, 516, 580, 1588, 604, 492, 628, 468, 600, 1584, 604, 1584, 600, 1580, 604, 1584, 600, 1584, 600, 1588, 600, 1580, 628, 1556, 604, 496, 628, 468, 600, 492, 580, 520, 600, 496, 604, 496, 600, 492, 604, 492, 604, 492, 632, 464, 604, 492, 604, 496, 600, 496, 628, 468, 632, 1552, 628, 1556, 632, 1556, 628, 1552, 632, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 632, 5144, 4496, 4308, 628, 1556, 632, 488, 608, 1556, 632, 1556, 628, 492, 604, 492, 604, 1556, 632, 472, 624, 488, 608, 1552, 632, 468, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 472, 628, 1560, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 632, 1548, 632, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 632, 464, 632, 468, 632, 464, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 632, 468, 628, 1552, 632, 1552, 656, 1532, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1560, 652, 

Raw: (199) 4472, 4336, 604, 1580, 604, 492, 604, 1584, 604, 1580, 604, 496, 600, 496, 624, 1556, 604, 496, 632, 464, 604, 1580, 628, 468, 628, 468, 604, 1580, 628, 1560, 600, 496, 600, 1592, 600, 492, 576, 520, 600, 1584, 604, 1580, 604, 1584, 652, 1532, 600, 1584, 600, 1584, 604, 1580, 604, 1584, 624, 468, 576, 520, 604, 496, 600, 496, 600, 516, 580, 496, 604, 492, 600, 516, 580, 496, 604, 516, 576, 520, 580, 516, 580, 492, 604, 496, 600, 1584, 600, 1584, 600, 1604, 580, 1608, 580, 1584, 596, 1608, 580, 1584, 572, 1632, 580, 5196, 4444, 4360, 604, 1580, 576, 520, 580, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 1604, 608, 492, 580, 496, 596, 1584, 604, 516, 576, 520, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 520, 600, 1588, 580, 516, 552, 544, 580, 1604, 580, 1604, 556, 1632, 576, 1608, 580, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 576, 1604, 580, 520, 576, 520, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 516, 580, 520, 580, 512, 580, 516, 580, 520, 576, 520, 604, 492, 580, 516, 580, 520, 548, 548, 576, 1604, 580, 1608, 576, 1608, 576, 1608, 580, 1604, 552, 1632, 604, 1584, 604, 1584, 576, 

This are 3 times the same configuration ... just change temp from 17° to 18° (ON- 18°,High vent)

Code: Select all

Raw: (199) 4520, 4296, 652, 1532, 628, 468, 628, 1560, 628, 1556, 652, 444, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 472, 632, 460, 628, 1560, 652, 440, 632, 464, 656, 1532, 652, 1532, 628, 468, 628, 1560, 636, 460, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1560, 632, 1552, 652, 1532, 624, 468, 656, 440, 628, 472, 624, 468, 656, 440, 632, 468, 636, 460, 628, 468, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 628, 468, 652, 444, 652, 444, 628, 472, 608, 1576, 624, 1560, 624, 1560, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 636, 5164, 4500, 4300, 628, 1556, 628, 472, 628, 1560, 628, 1556, 652, 444, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 472, 632, 460, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 444, 656, 1532, 624, 1560, 652, 444, 652, 1540, 632, 460, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 652, 1532, 652, 1536, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 636, 1548, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 444, 628, 468, 652, 444, 628, 468, 628, 468, 636, 460, 652, 444, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 656, 440, 628, 468, 656, 440, 656, 444, 636, 1548, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 628, 1560, 656, 

Raw: (199) 4472, 4336, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 652, 1532, 628, 468, 656, 440, 656, 1532, 652, 444, 608, 484, 628, 1560, 652, 440, 656, 444, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 608, 488, 652, 444, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 656, 1532, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 584, 1604, 648, 1532, 652, 444, 656, 440, 656, 440, 656, 440, 656, 444, 652, 444, 608, 488, 652, 444, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 656, 440, 652, 448, 652, 444, 652, 444, 608, 1576, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 656, 1528, 656, 1528, 656, 1532, 604, 5192, 4476, 4328, 652, 1532, 656, 440, 652, 1540, 652, 1532, 652, 448, 648, 444, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 608, 488, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 444, 656, 1528, 656, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 1536, 608, 488, 652, 444, 656, 1528, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 656, 1528, 656, 1528, 656, 1532, 608, 1576, 652, 1532, 652, 444, 652, 444, 652, 444, 652, 444, 652, 444, 652, 448, 608, 484, 652, 444, 652, 444, 656, 1536, 652, 444, 652, 444, 652, 444, 652, 444, 608, 1576, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 656, 440, 652, 1536, 656, 1532, 652, 1532, 652, 1532, 656, 

Raw: (199) 4500, 4312, 628, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 1560, 632, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 472, 632, 460, 628, 1560, 624, 472, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 468, 656, 1536, 632, 460, 632, 464, 632, 1556, 628, 1556, 652, 1536, 624, 1556, 632, 1552, 632, 1556, 636, 1548, 628, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 468, 632, 464, 628, 468, 656, 444, 628, 468, 636, 460, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 1564, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 636, 1548, 628, 1556, 628, 1560, 624, 472, 628, 1560, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 636, 5168, 4496, 4304, 628, 1560, 628, 464, 632, 1560, 628, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 472, 632, 460, 632, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 468, 632, 1560, 636, 460, 652, 444, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 1560, 624, 1556, 628, 1556, 632, 1556, 636, 1548, 652, 1532, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 468, 656, 444, 652, 444, 636, 460, 628, 468, 628, 468, 628, 1560, 656, 440, 632, 464, 632, 464, 632, 468, 636, 1548, 628, 1556, 628, 1556, 628, 468, 628, 1564, 624, 1560, 628, 1556, 652, 1536, 652, 

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Receive values too different

Post by AnalysIR »

Hi Javier

Yes these signals now decode in AnalysIR and are recognised as the same as ELECTROLUX96_192AC (96 bits). You can see the details I exported below & you can use this code to send with Arduino/IRremote.
I have also 'cleaned' (corrected) the timings, which you should use for better performance/range.

Code: Select all

Automatically Generated by AnalysIR - Batch Export Utility
Registered to: xxxxxxxx
Session History
Type : Key : Value : Bits : Carrier Frequency (kHz)
0 : ELECTROLUX96_192AC :  : B24D3FC010EFB24D3FC010EF : 96 : 0
1 : ELECTROLUX96_192AC :  : B24D3FC000FFB24D3FC000FF : 96 : 0
Note: Be sure to use the correct Carrier frequency, for each individual signal, as(or if) indicated above

// NB: Not all protocols are supported by IRremote or IRLib. You may need to edit the code below manually
// Automatically Generated by AnalysIR for xxxxxxxx, visit or email info@....... for further details
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct carrier frequency

unsigned int Signal_0_0[] = {4500,4500,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,4500,4500,4500,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_0_0, sizeof(Signal_0_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: ELECTROLUX96_192AC, Key:  

unsigned int Signal_1_1[] = {4500,4500,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,4500,4500,4500,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550,1650,550}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_1_1, sizeof(Signal_1_1)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: ELECTROLUX96_192AC, Key:  
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