Mirage AC IR Signal Troubleshotting

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Mirage AC IR Signal Troubleshotting

Post by andres18m »

Hello everyone, I need some help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

so here's is the thing,

I have been trying so hard to send an IR signal to a Mirage AC, but I'm not able to send it, I've been looking other post related to this AC and I can't find anything.

The weird story is that the IR signal has worked for every single device I've tried (T.Vs, DVD players, Others AC, Audio Systems). except this AC.

I am able to read the IR signal from the remote controller,(Remote Controller Type: YB1FA) my Arduino receives this:

Code: Select all

 Encoding  : NEC
Code      : 9040060A (32 bits)
     +8950, -4400     + 650, -1600     + 700, - 550     + 600, - 550
     + 650, -1600     + 700, - 500     + 650, - 550     + 650, - 550
     + 650, - 550     + 650, - 550     + 600, -1600     + 700, - 550
     + 600, - 550     + 650, - 550     + 650, - 500     + 700, - 500
     + 650, - 550     + 650, - 550     + 650, - 550     + 650, - 500
     + 700, - 500     + 650, - 550     + 650, -1600     + 650, -1650
     + 650, - 550     + 650, - 550     + 600, - 550     + 650, - 550
     + 650, - 550     + 650, -1600     + 650, - 500     + 700, -1600
     + 650, - 550     + 650, - 550     + 650, -1600     + 650, - 500
     + 700
unsigned int  rawData[73] = {8950,4400, 650,1600, 700,550, 600,550, 650,1600, 700,500, 650,550, 650,550, 650,550, 650,550, 600,1600, 700,550, 600,550, 650,550, 650,500, 700,500, 650,550, 650,550, 650,550, 650,500, 700,500, 650,550, 650,1600, 650,1650, 650,550, 650,550, 600,550, 650,550, 650,550, 650,1600, 650,500, 700,1600, 650,550, 650,550, 650,1600, 650,500, 700};  // NEC 9040060A
unsigned int  data = 0x9040060A;
I tried to send it as a HEX and RAW code, and I'm not able to do it, I disarmed the controller just to look at the circuit, and it has a bunch of components.

I couldn't attached the image, so I copied two links to the remote controller circuit and the AC:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7mb0kttda10u ... 8.JPG?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/h2x9znxsieiv3 ... 1.JPG?dl=0

Any help is trully appreciated,
Thank you.
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Re: Mirage AC IR Signal Troubleshotting

Post by AnalysIR »

@ andres18m

Your signal decods as a Gree 35 bit AC protocol using analysIR.

Try the following with IRremote: (the signal is automatically corrected by AnalysIR)

Code: Select all

Automatically Generated by AnalysIR - Batch Export Utility
Registered to: xxxxxxxx
Session History
Type : Key : Value : Bits : Carrier Frequency (kHz)
0 : GREE35_67AC :  : 482003052 : 35 : 0
Note: Be sure to use the correct Carrier frequency, for each individual signal, as(or if) indicated above

// NB: Not all protocols are supported by IRremote or IRLib. You may need to edit the code below manually
// Automatically Generated by AnalysIR for xxxxxxxx, visit http://www.AnalysIR.com or email info@....... for further details
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct carrier frequency

unsigned int Signal_0_0[] = {9000,4500,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_0_0, sizeof(Signal_0_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: GREE35_67AC, Key:  
Let us know how you get on...if it doesn't work then post details about you IR emitter circuit.

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Re: Mirage AC IR Signal Troubleshotting

Post by andres18m »


I tried to send the code you provided me, and still nothing happened, I used Arduino to send it, idk if I have to buy AnalysIR Software and send it trought SW,

I took a look at the AC unit, and I notice it had this label on it:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/9c4m9dx54pxtr ... 0.JPG?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikulv5wzza32c ... 1.JPG?dl=0

if you aren't able to read it it says:
Notice: When replacing controller, make sure insert the jumper cap of this unit into a new one. Otherwise this unit can't be normally turned on.
I think this might be the problem with the remote, I made some search and didn't found any information about this,

Do you have any clue of what should I do?
thank you for you reply,
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Re: Mirage AC IR Signal Troubleshotting

Post by AnalysIR »

Some things to try:

1. Respond to the question at the end of my last post
2. Try using the following sketch to record the signal and see if you get something different.
https://www.analysir.com/blog/2014/03/1 ... s-arduino/

3. If your remote control works with the AC unit, then the AC unit is not the problem. We do not offer any assistance for the AC units - only the IR signals.
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Re: Mirage AC IR Signal Troubleshotting

Post by bcatalin »

Hi I think that Mirage AC is having the same HW as the GREE AC. So in this case the timing will be 139 and not the 73 how it is decoded by arduino library.

I've tested on my AC and I get:

Encoding : NEC
Code : 92A0060A (32 bits)
+9050, -4450 + 750, -1650 + 750, - 600 + 700, - 550
+ 700, -1600 + 800, - 500 + 700, - 550 + 750, -1600
+ 750, - 550 + 700, -1650 + 750, - 550 + 700, -1650
+ 750, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 750, - 550 + 700, - 550
+ 750, - 550 + 750, - 500 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, -1650 + 750, -1650
+ 800, - 500 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, -1650 + 750, - 550 + 700, -1650
+ 750, - 600 + 700, - 550 + 700, -1650 + 750, - 600
+ 700, -19900 + 750, -1650 + 750, - 550 + 750, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, -1650 + 750, - 550 + 700, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, -1600 + 750, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550 + 700, - 550
+ 700, - 550 + 700, -1650 + 700, -1600 + 750, - 550
+ 700, -1600 + 750
unsigned int rawData[139] = {9050,4450, 750,1650, 750,600, 700,550, 700,1600, 800,500, 700,550, 750,1600, 750,550, 700,1650, 750,550, 700,1650, 750,550, 700,550, 750,550, 700,550, 750,550, 750,500, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,1650, 750,1650, 800,500, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,1650, 750,550, 700,1650, 750,600, 700,550, 700,1650, 750,600, 700,19900, 750,1650, 750,550, 750,550, 700,550, 700,1650, 750,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,1600, 750,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,550, 700,1650, 700,1600, 750,550, 700,1600, 750}; // NEC 92A0060A
unsigned int data = 0x92A0060A;

It is decoded as NEC but is not NEC.

After I've eliminated all the +700 values and converted all the -700 to "0" logic and -1600 to "logic" I came up with the conclusion that you already mention that it is a 35 + 32 bits protocol.
In fact it is 32 + 3 + 32 bits where the middle 3 bits are always 010 and last bits are 0x8804000(D,5,4) last byte is changing and can be some of CRC value, but I have no idea how it is calculated.

I guess that the AnalysIR can decode more than that. May be you can help me with that.

I've also tried with Electra AC and playing the values:
Raw: (181) 2977, -3827, 1824, -2027, 1829, -2025, 1837, -1031, 960, -982, 960, -983, 966, -975, 958, -1995, 948, -995, 958, -986, 957, -985, 1844, -1023, 963, -978, 953, -988, 963, -979, 960, -980, 952, -991, 962, -979, 964, -977, 949, -993, 960, -981, 961, -980, 958, -984, 961, -979, 957, -985, 961, -980, 950, -992, 960, -981, 953, -2001, 1843, -1024, 2947, -3863, 1812, -2069, 1784, -2070, 1784, -1075, 896, -1049, 892, -1042, 899, -1048, 893, -2070, 888, -1026, 915, -1050, 891, -1051, 1783, -1086, 889, -1051, 891, -1050, 892, -1052, 889, -1051, 891, -1052, 889, -1052, 889, -1052, 891, -1049, 892, -1050, 892, -1051, 891, -1052, 890, -1052, 889, -1050, 892, -1049, 892, -1050, 891, -1050, 893, -2070, 1784, -1068, 2934, -3891, 1784, -2068, 1784, -2070, 1785, -1075, 895, -1048, 894, -1049, 893, -1048, 893, -2072, 887, -1026, 914, -1049, 893, -1049, 1789, -1080, 891, -1051, 891, -1049, 894, -1048, 893, -1049, 893, -1049, 892, -1050, 892, -1052, 890, -1049, 892, -1049, 893, -1048, 893, -1051, 891, -1047, 894, -1051, 890, -1047, 893, -1023, 920, -1048, 893, -2070, 1784, -1062, 3837

will turn ON/OFF the AC but is different that the Electra34.
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Re: Mirage AC IR Signal Troubleshotting

Post by AnalysIR »

Sorry for some reason I missed this post until now.

I will respond shortly.
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Re: Mirage AC IR Signal Troubleshotting

Post by AnalysIR »

I have loaded your forst signal into AnalysIr and got the following results...

Code: Select all

Automatically Generated by AnalysIR - Batch Export Utility
Registered to: xxxxxxxx
Session History
Type : Key : Value : Bits : Carrier Frequency (kHz)
0 : GREE35_67AC :  : 4950030528804000D : 67 : 0
Note: Be sure to use the correct Carrier frequency, for each individual signal, as(or if) indicated above

// NB: Not all protocols are supported by IRremote or IRLib. You may need to edit the code below manually
// Automatically Generated by AnalysIR for xxxxxxxx, visit https://www.AnalysIR.com/ or email info@....... for further details
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct carrier frequency

unsigned int Signal_0_0[] = {9000,4500,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,19900,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,1690,600,1690,600,600,600,1690,600}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_0_0, sizeof(Signal_0_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: GREE35_67AC, Key:  
I have also cleaned the timings with AnalysIR.

As you can see it is decoded as
Hex: 4950030528804000D :
Bits: 67

You can see an example of sending AC signals from flash on a resect post on our blog.

Hope this helps
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