so here's is the thing,
I have been trying so hard to send an IR signal to a Mirage AC, but I'm not able to send it, I've been looking other post related to this AC and I can't find anything.
The weird story is that the IR signal has worked for every single device I've tried (T.Vs, DVD players, Others AC, Audio Systems). except this AC.
I am able to read the IR signal from the remote controller,(Remote Controller Type: YB1FA) my Arduino receives this:
Code: Select all
Encoding : NEC
Code : 9040060A (32 bits)
+8950, -4400 + 650, -1600 + 700, - 550 + 600, - 550
+ 650, -1600 + 700, - 500 + 650, - 550 + 650, - 550
+ 650, - 550 + 650, - 550 + 600, -1600 + 700, - 550
+ 600, - 550 + 650, - 550 + 650, - 500 + 700, - 500
+ 650, - 550 + 650, - 550 + 650, - 550 + 650, - 500
+ 700, - 500 + 650, - 550 + 650, -1600 + 650, -1650
+ 650, - 550 + 650, - 550 + 600, - 550 + 650, - 550
+ 650, - 550 + 650, -1600 + 650, - 500 + 700, -1600
+ 650, - 550 + 650, - 550 + 650, -1600 + 650, - 500
+ 700
unsigned int rawData[73] = {8950,4400, 650,1600, 700,550, 600,550, 650,1600, 700,500, 650,550, 650,550, 650,550, 650,550, 600,1600, 700,550, 600,550, 650,550, 650,500, 700,500, 650,550, 650,550, 650,550, 650,500, 700,500, 650,550, 650,1600, 650,1650, 650,550, 650,550, 600,550, 650,550, 650,550, 650,1600, 650,500, 700,1600, 650,550, 650,550, 650,1600, 650,500, 700}; // NEC 9040060A
unsigned int data = 0x9040060A;
I couldn't attached the image, so I copied two links to the remote controller circuit and the AC:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7mb0kttda10u ... 8.JPG?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/h2x9znxsieiv3 ... 1.JPG?dl=0
Any help is trully appreciated,
Thank you.