IR recommendation (ESP8266 transmitter power & range)

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Re: IR recommendation (ESP8266 transmitter power & range)

Post by javiercuellar »

Hi again.

Sorry I write over an old thread, but here is just the info I need to follow.

My question:

Do you thing it is possible to use 8 IR LED from an ESP8266? (Vishay TSAL6400)
I want to be able to "shoot" IR signals in all directions at the same time. (up, left, right, front... 2 IR in each side)

Actually I use this circuit ... sing-uart/ without R1, R2, Q1 with 2 IR LEDs

Thanks for the help.


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Re: IR recommendation (ESP8266 transmitter power & range)

Post by AnalysIR »

Hi Javier

Unless you have a very very big room, I would think that running 2 IR LEds with 300mA current running thru them should suffice for most domestic setups.

You could also use a mix of angles in the IR LED e..g. TSAL6100, TSAL6200, TSAL6400

see the photo in the updated ESP8266/NodeMCU post on our blog ... r-signals/

By using the 5V power rail, you should be able to wire up 2 IR LEDs in series in most circuits.....Just like the Photo of our SendIR module in the photo of the article above.

FYI: SendIR is available via our shop & we also plan to release an IR shield for the Wemos Esp8266/NodeMCU modules in the next month or 2.

But to answer your question, you could run 8 LEDs, as long as you take the current from the 5V rails and dont exceed its capacity/rating (typically 500mA total??). However, this would be extreme overkill for 99% of applications.
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