Resolved: Code Burst with LearnIR

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Resolved: Code Burst with LearnIR

Post by JoeJ »

I'm trying to learn some IR codes from a Sony DVD player remote. My goal is the IR learn clean signals then export them to a Pronto remote.

In both AnalysIR and LearnIR (using V2 hardware) I get a burst of 3 - 6 IR signals no matter what remote key I press. I tried these on my DVD player and they don't work or work intermittently. When I use the Philips Pronto in learn mode, I get a single burst, which works. I'm a newbie here, perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
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Re: Code Burst with LearnIR

Post by AnalysIR »

Sorry to hear you are having issues...

1. When recording signals make sure to hold the remote about 1m(1 yard) away from the LearnIR and point the remote directly at it.
2. Please email me (to info@....)
- a copy of the signals in LIR format and also the RAW format of say 3 different signals
- also send me the contents of the realtime log in the Debug Tab (after recording the signals above)
3. Send me a screenshot of the Configure tab, with the LearnIR connected.
4. Have you checked using another remote, to see if it works for that?
5. If you have the pronto produced by your pronto remote that may also help.
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Re: Code Burst with LearnIR

Post by JoeJ »

Okay, I will send them to you today
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Re: Code Burst with LearnIR

Post by AnalysIR »

Thanks for the info Joe.

Here is the summary for reference:
The SONY protocol must be sent in 3 bursts otherwise it will be ignored. (There may be a small number of exceptions)

So even the shortest of presses will always generate 3 bursts.

The shorter Pronto capture is likely a bug on that other device (or possible a feature if the same burst is repeated). Either way on many SONY systems a single burst will be ignored.

So this doesn't look like an issue. Correct?

If you capture in or copy to AnalysIR, you can split the signal to get only one part (using the Truncate feature under the Channle1/2 menu)
Glad we could clarify this as expected behaviour.
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