IR code translation

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IR code translation

Post by jsissom »

Hello, I was able to get the KontrolIR v1.0.11 firmware installed and sending codes. It was difficult to figure out which IRremote library to use because of conflicting information. The Wiki says 2.8.2 but there is no version 2.8.2. The closest is version 3.0.0 which doesn't appear to work. I am using 2.7.0.

I have IRremote installed on a stand alone arduino and when using IRdump have determined that my TV remote sends NEC:

uint16_t address = 0x4;
uint16_t command = 0x8;
uint32_t data = 0xF708FB04;

I tried using this in the KontrolIR firmware:

Unfortunately, that sends this:

uint16_t address = 0xEF;
uint16_t command = 0xDF;
uint32_t data = 0x20DF10EF;

Can you tell me how to translate the output from IRremote into KIR_sendNEC codes?

Thank you
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Re: IR code translation

Post by AnalysIR »

I suggest you only use version 2.6.1 of IRremote only & have updated the WiKi to reflect that.

The recent updates to IRremote have changed usage of the library without maintaining 'smooth' historical support. So we have avoided using it until things settle down more with the library.

PS: sorry about the mix-up.
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