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Request for a custom export to CSV file option

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:11 am
by david656
Hi All,

First time post here. :D I bought the software yesterday and have to say, once I got my head around it, it seems to do what it says on the can! ha, if only Microsoft could make software like this!!!

I'm trying to do a very specific thing where I build up a IR code mapping for a Bang & Olufsen device. As with most things B&O, NOTHING is of any great standard, so i'm going to to have to build a script to manipulate the data into the form I need.

I think i'm going to need data like 'Type - NEC' 'Value #hex' and then the raw code. If I could export this to a CSV file, in my script I could then do a 'for each: convert it into the style needed'

It would be great to be able to have that button in the export/batch export.

Is this something you could think about adding? thanks,

Re: Request for a custom export to CSV file option

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:07 am
by AnalysIR

There are several options currently available in AnalysIR (refer to User Guide under the Help Menu for details)

1. Menu->File->Save Session
2. Just click on the Value column in History (one signal at a time is copied to the clipboard)
3. Menu->File->Batch Export One of the formats may suit.
4. CTRL+1 or CTRL+2 copies the selected signal timings into the clipboard.

If none of these are what you would like, please provide specific details (example formats etc)