Hi Guys,
Before I continue down the path of trying to get this combination working and purchase AnalysisIR to help clean up the panasonic AC Codes, does this setup actually work ?
I purchased this device from Core Electonics in Australia :
https://core-electronics.com.au/sparkfu ... p8266.html
https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp ... okup-guide
My Air Conditoner is a Panasonic R410A
The output from the IRRecvDemo2 has the following On / Off examples : ( In the attachment )
Pasting any of these outputs into the IPSend Raw Data sketch and applying it achieves nothing.
Please let me know if I am dreaming this combination will ever work ..
Thanks again for your time.
- Martin
Panasonic R410A and SparkFun IR Blaster
Panasonic R410A and SparkFun IR Blaster
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Re: Panasonic R410A and SparkFun IR Blaster
Hi Martin
Sorry about the delay in responding...just back at it today after holidays etc.
I loaded one of your signals into AnalysIR and it is indeed identified as a Panasonic 216 bit AC signal.
Regarding your dev board...it seems like a standard ESP8266 dev board that should work with AnalysIR and should also work with the ESP8266IRremote library as well. However, we have no way of testing this board here.
Sorry about the delay in responding...just back at it today after holidays etc.
I loaded one of your signals into AnalysIR and it is indeed identified as a Panasonic 216 bit AC signal.
Regarding your dev board...it seems like a standard ESP8266 dev board that should work with AnalysIR and should also work with the ESP8266IRremote library as well. However, we have no way of testing this board here.