Sent Raw signal can't be acknowledged by AC Unit

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Sent Raw signal can't be acknowledged by AC Unit

Post by JiroVergara12 »

Hi. I was trying to send back this RAW signal into the Panasonic AC unit:

3484, 1732, 440, 428, 440, 1296, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 1296, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 432, 436, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 1296, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 9988, 3480, 1732, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 436, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 1296, 440, 428, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 1296, 440, 1300, 440, 1296, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 1296, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 1296, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 1296, 440, 428, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 1296, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 436, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 1296, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 1296, 440, 1300, 440, 1296, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 436, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 444, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 428, 440, 432, 436, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 444, 424, 440, 428, 440, 432, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440, 1296, 440, 1296, 444, 1296, 440, 1296, 444, 1296, 440, 428, 440, 1300, 440,

I saw one post here - viewtopic.php?t=513&sid=3a6e7b6d6676659 ... f6190390f1, how do I clean my signal similar to this post?
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Re: Sent Raw signal can't be acknowledged by AC Unit

Post by AnalysIR »

Your signal is recognized by AnalysIR as a Panasonic 216 bit AC signal.

Signal Cleaning is a feature of AnalysIR, available from our web-shop (purchase required).

In addition, our LearnIR module 'LearnIR' comes with our unique Fuzzy Clean technology, which captures signals to within a few uSecs accuracy.
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