I hope to get help with decoding the AC single of a remote. I am new to all this, and my goal is to be able to capture the signals and change the values programmatically based on selection by the user to control the AC.
I was able to capture the code of many singles from the remote by AnalysIR and then exported some to be used by the IRremote LIB in Arduino. I have changed to LSB8 as advised in the videos and articles for AC remote. Successfully achieved a response when sending code throgh. Thanks to AnaslysIR made it easy, the first part is done, now as I dug deeper I came across a few unknowns that I hope someone may able to help me unravel and answer the questions below:
Code: Select all
Board: Mega2560
Type: FUJITSU128_56AC
Bits: 128
1) I can't make sense of the value in AnalysIR for example changing the temperature to 18C? What is the first value (1;0;1000;0) ? and how it correlates to the actual raw data, it seems they don't match.
Raw (259): 3280,-1692,400,-440,392,-444, etc...
2) Why I am getting negative values in raw data when I export IR Signal (IRremote) vs export batch?
3) Is there a Lib that will allow me to send command (hex) eiterh rather than sending the entire raw data?
3) How the HEX values are being converted to Raw data and vice versa?
Code: Select all
For example:
{3280,1692,400,440,392,444,392,1160,512,444,396,1228,444,448,392,444,396,444,396,1256,412,1272,404,444,392,444,392,444,392,1256,420,1280,400,444,396,436,396,440,396,440,396,444,392,444,392,444,396,444,396,444,396,440,396,440,396,440,396,444,396,1212,460,444,392,448,392,448,392,444,392,440,396,444,392,444,392,1180,496,448,392,444,392,448,396,440,392,1276,400,1180,492,1276,400,1276,396,1216,460,1236,440,1224,456,1252,420,440,396,440,396,1256,420,444,392,444,396,444,396,444,396,440,396,440,396,440,396,444,392,1200,476,1276,400,444,396,444,396,440,396,440,396,444,396,440,396,440,396,1228,448,444,396,444,396,440,396,440,396,440,396,440,396,444,396,444,396,444,392,444,396,1220,452,1164,512,440,396,440,396,440,396,444,396,444,396,444,396,440,392,440,396,444,392,444,396,444,392,444,396,444,392,448,396,440,396,440,392,444,392,444,396,444,392,444,396,444,396,444,396,440,396,440,396,440,396,440,396,444,392,444,396,444,396,444,396,440,396,440,392,440,396,444,392,448,392,1272,404,444,396,444,396,1272,400,440,396,1276,400,1272,400,444,392,448,392,444,396,1280,396}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW