York-r51 remote and HTW AC - success
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:33 am
Hi, this post is about to recognize the support that AnalysIR team has devoted to my particular problem, and to give some clues to anyone who faces the same problem.
My intent is to lower the temperature of a batteries&inverter closet automagically, using a portable AC ( Htw Htw-pc-020p26 ) comanded by a YORK-R51 remote. The setup comprises an Arduino ONe + expanding shield (not necessary) + KY-022 receiver + KY-005 IR sender + HD44780 2004 LCD + DHT20 sensor temperature.
The york remote sends too large signals to be recognized by IRRemote, so I bought a license of AnalysIR, which I recommend in order to get good raw signals, ready to be exported to several formats, particularly IRRemote.
The steps I recommend in order to successfully control your AC are based on my experience and recommendations from Chris (AnalysIR team). Previously is advisable to be familiar with arduino and to have tested some sketches to capture and send IR signals.
1) Wire and connect all the components. Be Sure to use 5v.
2) Upload the firmware/skectch to arduino, which you'll find into AnalysIR installation (sketch_AnalysIR_Firmware_801.ino in Standard_AnalysIR_Firmware_v1161008109.zip)
3) Launch ANalisIR. See tab "Log", if you see something like "!Free RAM: 154!" the firmware is correctly loaded and ready to capture signals.
4) Point you remote to the sensor and hit "On" button several times, leave some seconds between them. At the same time place your AC near the setup to check your remote is working. Eventually some of the signals are recognized, for example in my case: ELECTROLUX96_192AC (not RAW, I found them to be problematic).
5) Name the signals that are recognized, in the Name column (for example ON or OFF). Delete the rows that are not recognized or are RAW format.
6) Clean the history (Advanced Power tools Menu option)
7) Menu file / Batch Export / IRremote. This is code is ready to use into a sketch with IRRemote v.2.8X or higher (not tested).
I my case, after several days spent in testing my AC I found the KY-005 IR was faulty, so feel free to replace every component in your setup and test it again. One of the components which could work better than KY-022 receiver is TSOP34438.
So, again, many thanks to Chris
And If you need some of the raw signals I'm using I can post them here.
My intent is to lower the temperature of a batteries&inverter closet automagically, using a portable AC ( Htw Htw-pc-020p26 ) comanded by a YORK-R51 remote. The setup comprises an Arduino ONe + expanding shield (not necessary) + KY-022 receiver + KY-005 IR sender + HD44780 2004 LCD + DHT20 sensor temperature.
The york remote sends too large signals to be recognized by IRRemote, so I bought a license of AnalysIR, which I recommend in order to get good raw signals, ready to be exported to several formats, particularly IRRemote.
The steps I recommend in order to successfully control your AC are based on my experience and recommendations from Chris (AnalysIR team). Previously is advisable to be familiar with arduino and to have tested some sketches to capture and send IR signals.
1) Wire and connect all the components. Be Sure to use 5v.
2) Upload the firmware/skectch to arduino, which you'll find into AnalysIR installation (sketch_AnalysIR_Firmware_801.ino in Standard_AnalysIR_Firmware_v1161008109.zip)
3) Launch ANalisIR. See tab "Log", if you see something like "!Free RAM: 154!" the firmware is correctly loaded and ready to capture signals.
4) Point you remote to the sensor and hit "On" button several times, leave some seconds between them. At the same time place your AC near the setup to check your remote is working. Eventually some of the signals are recognized, for example in my case: ELECTROLUX96_192AC (not RAW, I found them to be problematic).
5) Name the signals that are recognized, in the Name column (for example ON or OFF). Delete the rows that are not recognized or are RAW format.
6) Clean the history (Advanced Power tools Menu option)
7) Menu file / Batch Export / IRremote. This is code is ready to use into a sketch with IRRemote v.2.8X or higher (not tested).
I my case, after several days spent in testing my AC I found the KY-005 IR was faulty, so feel free to replace every component in your setup and test it again. One of the components which could work better than KY-022 receiver is TSOP34438.
So, again, many thanks to Chris
