AC Mitsubishi - use Arduino as IR remote - Raw data issues
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:18 pm
Hello everybody and thanks AnalysIR for your precious info.
As said in the subject I'm trying to control my Mitsubishi Air Conditioner with Arduino.
I would like to buy the maker license for the software to decode the protocol but I just want to be sure that decoding is my deadlock...
Cause I'm trying with raw data with no much success
I managed to use the Ardiuno as a remote for the TV so the hardware should be ok.
Then I read a few threads several time.
I've used the skecth for long code you provided here: ... s-arduino/
here what i get:
a beautiful code...
it seems to me, a code of 291 repeated twice with a pause of about 16 ms.
So I've tried to send it to the Mitsubishi with this skecth:
but nothing really happened
I've also tried the "fix timer trick"
(from this tread here: ... c=111126.0 )
parsing the string and sending:
But still nothing.....
Any idea?!?
Do the RAWBUF size play a role in sending raw data?!
If AnalysIR can parse the code with the software and it works I will be happy to buy a maker license to build all the other codes for my protocol,
Thanks a lot in advance to every help
Kind Regards
As said in the subject I'm trying to control my Mitsubishi Air Conditioner with Arduino.
I would like to buy the maker license for the software to decode the protocol but I just want to be sure that decoding is my deadlock...
Cause I'm trying with raw data with no much success

I managed to use the Ardiuno as a remote for the TV so the hardware should be ok.
Then I read a few threads several time.
I've used the skecth for long code you provided here: ... s-arduino/
here what i get:
Code: Select all
Raw: (583) 3496, -1636, 484, -1228, 484, -1232, 456, -396, 492, -368, 460, -408, 480, -1232, 460, -404, 488, -372, 484, -1228, 488, -1228, 484, -372, 460, -1252, 460, -400, 456, -408, 480, -1232, 488, -1228, 456, -404, 456, -1260, 460, -1256, 456, -412, 484, -376, 484, -1232, 484, -372, 456, -404, 456, -1256, 460, -400, 460, -396, 488, -376, 456, -408, 456, -400, 488, -368, 460, -404, 516, -356, 460, -404, 480, -380, 460, -400, 484, -376, 480, -384, 480, -376, 488, -376, 488, -372, 484, -376, 484, -372, 488, -376, 480, -380, 456, -1256, 488, -372, 484, -384, 460, -396, 508, -360, 508, -360, 480, -1244, 484, -376, 456, -404, 484, -384, 456, -404, 460, -1256, 484, -1232, 488, -1228, 484, -368, 488, -372, 456, -408, 484, -380, 484, -372, 492, -372, 488, -372, 484, -376, 484, -372, 488, -1224, 484, -1228, 484, -384, 456, -404, 484, -384, 456, -404, 484, -372, 456, -408, 480, -380, 460, -404, 484, -1232, 484, -376, 460, -1252, 488, -1228, 456, -400, 484, -1232, 484, -1228, 484, -376, 460, -1260, 484, -372, 488, -372, 480, -384, 456, -408, 460, -404, 456, -400, 484, -376, 456, -408, 484, -376, 484, -372, 484, -380, 480, -384, 484, -376, 480, -388, 480, -380, 488, -372, 456, -404, 460, -404, 480, -376, 456, -404, 488, -380, 480, -380, 484, -380, 484, -372, 488, -376, 484, -380, 456, -404, 460, -400, 484, -372, 488, -376, 484, -376, 456, -408, 484, -372, 488, -372, 464, -396, 484, -376, 480, -380, 484, -376, 484, -380, 480, -384, 484, -380, 456, -400, 456, -404, 484, -380, 480, -384, 480, -384, 456, -400, 484, -372, 484, -380, 484, -1224, 488, -1224, 484, -1232, 456, -1256, 452, -408, 488, -372, 456, -412, 456, -404, 484, -16872, 3604, -1656, 460, -1252, 456, -1260, 460, -396, 488, -380, 488, -372, 480, -1236, 460, -396, 484, -380, 484, -1232, 484, -1228, 460, -400, 456, -1256, 484, -376, 484, -380, 484, -1228, 480, -1232, 480, -380, 488, -1232, 480, -1232, 480, -388, 480, -384, 484, -1224, 460, -400, 484, -376, 508, -1200, 460, -404, 480, -380, 484, -376, 484, -376, 456, -408, 480, -380, 460, -400, 488, -376, 456, -404, 484, -376, 484, -372, 484, -380, 488, -372, 480, -384, 484, -368, 488, -376, 484, -376, 484, -376, 456, -404, 484, -376, 508, -1212, 456, -400, 484, -376, 488, -372, 484, -376, 456, -408, 480, -1228, 484, -372, 484, -384, 456, -404, 452, -408, 456, -1256, 456, -1256, 452, -1260, 480, -380, 456, -408, 484, -372, 460, -400, 484, -376, 512, -364, 480, -376, 484, -384, 484, -376, 480, -1228, 484, -1228, 480, -384, 484, -372, 456, -404, 456, -404, 484, -372, 460, -400, 488, -376, 480, -380, 456, -1252, 488, -372, 484, -1228, 484, -1236, 480, -376, 452, -1264, 480, -1232, 484, -380, 488, -1228, 456, -404, 484, -376, 460, -400, 456, -408, 484, -372, 460, -404, 484, -376, 480, -376, 480, -384, 452, -404, 456, -408, 484, -380, 480, -384, 456, -416, 480, -384, 484, -400, 456, -376, 484, -380, 512, -360, 484, -384, 480, -380, 484, -376, 484, -380, 460, -404, 480, -404, 436, -404, 456, -400, 484, -376, 456, -404, 480, -384, 448, -436, 428, -408, 484, -380, 480, -380, 480, -400, 460, -376, 456, -436, 428, -408, 460, -404, 456, -404, 456, -400, 456, -436, 432, -428, 456, -388, 456, -436, 456, -384, 452, -404, 456, -404, 456, -428, 460, -1228, 456, -1256, 480, -1256, 432, -1284, 456, -380, 456, -404, 456, -408, 456, -408, 480,
it seems to me, a code of 291 repeated twice with a pause of about 16 ms.
So I've tried to send it to the Mitsubishi with this skecth:
Code: Select all
Author: AnalysIR 2004 -
This sketch is Free to use - without restriction
#include <IRremote.h>
IRsend irsend;
int khz = 38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct modulation frequency
unsigned int powerOff[] = {3496,1636,484,1228,484,1232,456,396,492,368,460,408,480,1232,460,404,488,372,484,1228,488,1228,484,372,460,1252,460,400,456,408,480,1232,488,1228,456,404,456,1260,460,1256,456,412,484,376,484,1232,484,372,456,404,456,1256,460,400,460,396,488,376,456,408,456,400,488,368,460,404,516,356,460,404,480,380,460,400,484,376,480,384,480,376,488,376,488,372,484,376,484,372,488,376,480,380,456,1256,488,372,484,384,460,396,508,360,508,360,480,1244,484,376,456,404,484,384,456,404,460,1256,484,1232,488,1228,484,368,488,372,456,408,484,380,484,372,492,372,488,372,484,376,484,372,488,1224,484,1228,484,384,456,404,484,384,456,404,484,372,456,408,480,380,460,404,484,1232,484,376,460,1252,488,1228,456,400,484,1232,484,1228,484,376,460,1260,484,372,488,372,480,384,456,408,460,404,456,400,484,376,456,408,484,376,484,372,484,380,480,384,484,376,480,388,480,380,488,372,456,404,460,404,480,376,456,404,488,380,480,380,484,380,484,372,488,376,484,380,456,404,460,400,484,372,488,376,484,376,456,408,484,372,488,372,464,396,484,376,480,380,484,376,484,380,480,384,484,380,456,400,456,404,484,380,480,384,480,384,456,400,484,372,484,380,484,1224,488,1224,484,1232,456,1256,452,408,488,372,456,412,456,404,484};
void setup()
void loop()
irsend.sendRaw(powerOff, sizeof(powerOff) / sizeof(int), khz);
delay(16); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<uncomment here if it doesnt work
irsend.sendRaw(powerOff, sizeof(powerOff) / sizeof(int), khz); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<uncomment here if it doesnt work
delay(8000); //send signal every 10 seconds for testing
but nothing really happened

I've also tried the "fix timer trick"
(from this tread here: ... c=111126.0 )
parsing the string and sending:
But still nothing.....
Any idea?!?
Do the RAWBUF size play a role in sending raw data?!
If AnalysIR can parse the code with the software and it works I will be happy to buy a maker license to build all the other codes for my protocol,
Thanks a lot in advance to every help
Kind Regards