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panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Infrare

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:17 am
by yorinwang

I have tested using Arduino_Record_Long_AirConditioner_Infrared_Signals_10_ino for panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608, but the data raw keeps show difference results.

how to convert below results so I can get PROGMEM = {3344,1672 ……} and use the raw data using your Sending long AC Signals from Flash with IRremote.

below sample results when press button turn on:

Code: Select all

Raw: (484) 16412, -124, 40796, -3468, 1752, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -432, 448, -424, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -432, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 456, -424, 448, -424, 452, -424, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -424, 1316, -432, 1312, -432, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 9996, -3468, 1752, -428, 448, -424, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 1320, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 1324, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -424, 1324, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -424, 452, -424, 448, -428, 452, -424, 1320, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 1320, -432, 444, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 456, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 1316, -428, 1312, -432, 1312, -428, 1324, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 444, -428, 1320, -428, 52840, -48, 54928, -156, 37232, -44, 55748, -52, 65492, -72, 61088, -48, 43592, -48, 29648, -48, 25880, -92, 33456, -44, 8276, -144, 38492, -64, 19792, -124, 22248, -52, 10712, -72, 56736, -124, 27364, -88, 47656, -44, 26680, -48, 48272, -136, 8592, -48,
below when press button power off:

Code: Select all

Raw: (474) 3344, -76, 35156, -76, 37780, -48, 30336, -48, 3580, -3468, 1752, -428, 448, -460, 1280, -428, 448, -464, 416, -460, 416, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 1312, -432, 1312, -428, 1324, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 9992, -3468, 1748, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 452, -428, 448, -424, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 452, -424, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1320, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -432, 444, -428, 1312, -432, 1316, -432, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1312, -432, 1312, -428, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 1312, -428, 1316, -428, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -424, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 452, -428, 1316, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 448, -428, 1320, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 456, -428, 448, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 444, -428, 456, -424, 448, -428, 448, -428, 448, -428, 452, -428, 1312, -428, 1316, -428, 1316, -428, 1324, -428, 444, -428, 1316, -428, 448, -428, 1316, -428, 12180, -44, 45552, -44, 33440, -72, 18892, -48, 37684, -48, 2280, -164, 15148, -48, 28828, -72, 59060, -112, 36384, -228, 2848, -44, 3332, -116, 7380, -72, 
My IR Receiver is 1057 D21B

below result from Irremoteinfo:

IRremote Library Settings
Timer defined for use: Timer2
IR Tx Pin: 3
MCU Clock: 16000000
MCU Platform: ATmega328(P) / (Duemilanove, Diecimila, LilyPad, Mini, Micro, Fio, Nano, etc)
Mark Excess: 100 uSecs
Microseconds per tick: 50 uSecs
Measurement tolerance: 25%
Minimum Gap between IR Signals: 5000 uSecs
Arduino IDE version: 1.6.8
Debug Mode: OFF (Normal)

============= ======== ========
RC5: Enabled Enabled
RC6: Enabled Enabled
NEC: Enabled Enabled
SONY: Enabled Enabled
PANASONIC: Enabled Enabled
JVC: Enabled Enabled
SAMSUNG: Enabled Enabled
WHYNTER: Enabled Enabled
AIWA_RC_T501: Enabled Enabled
LG: Enabled Enabled
SANYO: Disabled Enabled
MITSUBISHI: Disabled Enabled
DISH: Enabled Disabled
SHARP: Enabled Disabled
DENON: Enabled Enabled
PRONTO: Enabled (Not Applicable)

Thanks in advance,


Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:31 pm
by AnalysIR

My original reply on the blog is below for reference:
@yorinwang I used AnalysIR to import your signals and….
The good news is that you have valid AC signals captured.
The bad news is that your signals seem to be inverted and have some noise at the start and end, which is unusual.

So, please provide details of how you wired up your IR receiver and the model number.

I suggest you register & open a new topic in our IRForum, which is better suited to issues like this. Just copy your first post and response to this and we will follow up there.
IRForum: or via link at the top of this page
Which sketch are you using to record the signal and how have you wired up the IR receiver.

try the following

Code: Select all

{3468, 1752, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 432, 448, 424, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 432, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 456, 424, 448, 424, 452, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 1316, 432, 1312, 432, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 9996, 3468, 1752, 428, 448, 424, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1324, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 424, 1324, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 452, 424, 448, 428, 452, 424, 1320, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1320, 432, 444, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 456, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 1316, 428, 1312, 432, 1312, 428, 1324, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 444, 428, 1320, 428}

Code: Select all

{3468, 1752, 428, 448, 460, 1280, 428, 448, 464, 416, 460, 416, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1312, 432, 1312, 428, 1324, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 9992, 3468, 1748, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 452, 428, 448, 424, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1320, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 432, 444, 428, 1312, 432, 1316, 432, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1312, 432, 1312, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1312, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 452, 428, 1316, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 456, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 456, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 1312, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1324, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428}

Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:07 am
by yorinwang
Hi AnalysIR,

Thanks for your response.
I will give a try your input raw data soon and update you back for the result.


Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:33 pm
by yorinwang
Hi AnalysIR,

I have tested both raw data above but no response to my AC :(

below the code that I use:

Code: Select all

 * IRremote: IRsendRawDemo - demonstrates sending IR codes with sendRaw
 * An IR LED must be connected to Arduino PWM pin 3. (Defualt configuration for UNO class Arduinos)
 * Version 0.1 July, 2009
 * Copyright 2009 Ken Shirriff
 * IRsendRawFlash - added by AnalysIR (via, 11 April 2016
 * This example shows how to send a RAW signal, from flash instead of SRAM, using the IRremote library.
 * It is more efficient to use the sendNEC style function to send NEC signals.
 * Use of sendRaw_Flash here, serves only as an example of using the function to save SRAM with RAW signals.
 * Typical Uses: Allows users to store a significant number of signals in flash for sending, without using up SRAM.
 *               This is particularly important for sending RAW AC signal. Typically only one or 2 AC signals could be stored in SRAM using the traditional sendRAW function.
 *               With this function a large number of RAW AC signals can be stored & sent from Flash on a standard Arduino, with no material SRAM overhead.
 *               For even more Flash & signal storage, consider using a Mega1280/2560 with 128K/256K of available Flash vs the standard of 32k bytes.
 * SRAM usage: On the Author's dev system the Arduino IDE 1.6.8 reported only 220 SRAM usage & 8,052 bytes of Flash storage used for this sketch.
 *             In contrast, only one of the signals below will fit on a standard UNO using the example sendRAW function of IRremote (using SRAM to store the signal)

#include <IRremote.h>

IRsend irsend;

//Example signals from various AC units (very long signals)

const unsigned int AC_irSignal1[] = {3468, 1752, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 432, 448, 424, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 432, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 456, 424, 448, 424, 452, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 1316, 432, 1312, 432, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 9996, 3468, 1752, 428, 448, 424, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1324, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 424, 1324, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 1316, 428, 1316, 428, 1320, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 424, 452, 424, 448, 428, 452, 424, 1320, 428, 448, 424, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 1320, 432, 444, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 448, 428, 444, 428, 448, 428, 456, 424, 448, 428, 448, 428, 448, 428, 452, 428, 1316, 428, 1312, 432, 1312, 428, 1324, 428, 448, 428, 1316, 428, 444, 428, 1320, 428}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

void setup() {
  //insert your own setup code here
  Serial.begin(115200); //change BAUD rate as required

void loop() {
  //replace this with your own code.
  while (true){ //loop forever sending the test signals, with 1 second gaps
  Serial.println("send AC signal @33k");
  sendRAW_Flash(AC_irSignal1, sizeof(AC_irSignal1)/sizeof(int),33); //send AC signal #1 @ 33kHz
  delay(1000); //a good idea to have gaps between signals

  Serial.println("send AC signal @36k");
  sendRAW_Flash(AC_irSignal1, sizeof(AC_irSignal1)/sizeof(int),36); //send AC signal #2 @ 36kHz
  delay(1000); //a good idea to have gaps between signals

  Serial.println("send AC signal @38k");
  sendRAW_Flash(AC_irSignal1, sizeof(AC_irSignal1)/sizeof(int),38); //send AC signal #3 @ 38kHz
  delay(1000); //a good idea to have gaps between signals

  Serial.println("send AC signal @40k");
  sendRAW_Flash(AC_irSignal1, sizeof(AC_irSignal1)/sizeof(int),40); //send AC signal #4 @ 40kHz
  delay(1000); //a good idea to have gaps between signals

  Serial.println("send AC signal @56k");
  sendRAW_Flash(AC_irSignal1, sizeof(AC_irSignal1)/sizeof(int),56); //send AC signal #3 @ 56kHz
  delay(1000); //a good idea to have gaps between signals
  Serial.println("send AC Finish");

void sendRAW_Flash(const unsigned int * signalArray, unsigned int signalLength, unsigned char carrierFreq) {

  irsend.enableIROut(carrierFreq); //initialise the carrier frequency for each signal to be sent
  for (unsigned int i=0;i<signalLength;i++){
   // tmp=cleanPanasonic(tmp); //not needed
    if (i & 1)[i]));
    else irsend.mark(pgm_read_word_near(&signalArray[i]));
  };//make sure IR is turned off at end of signal

Please advise,



Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:52 pm
by AnalysIR
const unsigned int AC_irSignal1[] left out the PROGMEM keyword here^^^^^

...I am not 100% sure if it is required or not...but worth a try.

I also corrected(cleaned) the signal using AnalysIR, so try the following:

Code: Select all

Automatically Generated by AnalysIR - Batch Export Utility
Registered to: xxxxxxxx
Session History
Type : Key : Value : Bits : Carrier Frequency (kHz)
0 : PANASONIC128_216_280AC :  : 400407200000006040040720003C0C0182B00070070000810000F5 : 216 : 0
Note: Be sure to use the correct Carrier frequency, for each individual signal, as(or if) indicated above

// NB: Not all protocols are supported by IRremote or IRLib. You may need to edit the code below manually
// Automatically Generated by AnalysIR for xxxxxxxx, visit or email info@....... for further details
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct carrier frequency

unsigned int Signal_0_0[] = {3500,1750,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,9996,3500,1750,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,1300,435}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_0_0, sizeof(Signal_0_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: PANASONIC128_216_280AC, Key:  
Try this new code as is - first, just as a test (dont worry about FLASH/progmem until you get the signal working.

Try with 38kHz.

Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:00 pm
by yorinwang
Hi AnalysIR,

I copy paste your code above and unable to compile. below the error message:

Arduino: 1.6.8 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"

irremote-ac-send-test2:17: error: 'irsend' does not name a type

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_0_0, sizeof(Signal_0_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW


exit status 1
'irsend' does not name a type

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

Please advise,


Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:04 pm
by AnalysIR
Yes, the code I provided needs to be inserted into the sendRAW example sketch of IRrremote.

Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:12 pm
by yorinwang

I am able to compile using below code:

Code: Select all

#include <IRremote.h>

IRsend irsend;

unsigned int Signal_0_0[] = {3500,1750,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,9996,3500,1750,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,1300,435,435,435,1300,435,435,435,1300,435}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
int khz=38;

void setup() {
  //insert your own setup code here
  Serial.begin(115200); //change BAUD rate as required

void loop() {
  //replace this with your own code.
  while (true){ //loop forever sending the test signals, with 5 second gaps
  Serial.println("send AC signal @33k");
  irsend.sendRaw(Signal_0_0, sizeof(Signal_0_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
  delay(1000); //a good idea to have gaps between signals
Wow.... I can hear my AC generate sound "beep", but AC is still not turn ON.

I think we are close AnalysIR.

Any other data raw we can try?



Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:49 pm
by AnalysIR
You are sending the signal every 1 second - which might cause unpredictable results.

I am not sure if the signal I posted is ON or OFF or another signal. I used one of the signals you posted.

Try 10 secs or longer and use your remote to toggle between ON/OFF before the signal is sent & it might work better.

Based on the info I have posted above you should be able to figure out the rest and make the appropriate changes manually yourself.
(replace the values with the ones I used)

Re: panasonic AC inverter – A75C3608 with Recording long Inf

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:12 pm
by yorinwang
I will try again with longer delay.
Thanks for the advise.