Unusual IR signal

Everything related to protocols and IR codes
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Unusual IR signal

Post by Twigs »

Hello all, I am trying to utilise an IR protocal in an arduino project. The signal itself is taken from a 'battling drone' ie, a small drone taht has an inbuilt infrared laser to shoot down other compatible drones. I have captured the IR signal's below using both the Ken Shirriff libraries and blog posts/guides and also the 'Recording long IR Signals here on AnalysIR. What I am trying to do is build a target that I can attack with my drone and which will periodically shoot back.

Since I have a stressful job and two teenage kids I am having trouble trying to wrap my head around how I transfer the signals I have captured in to something I can 'ping' out. Could someone please tell me how I move the signals below in to something I can send since I don't know how I interept any required bit length information etc.

IRrecvDump signal:
Unknown encoding: 780950C3 (32 bits)
Raw (154): -17160 5400 -1000 950 -500 550 -450 500 -500 500 -450 500 -1000 1000 -450 500 -500 500 -500 500 -450 500 -500 5400 -1000 1000 -500 450 -500 500 -500 500 -500 450 -1000 1000 -500 450 -500 500 -500 500 -500 450 -500 5450 -950 1000 -500 450 -500 550 -450 500 -500 500 -950 1000 -500 450 -500 500 -500 500 -500 450 -500 5400 -1000 1000 -500 500 -500 450 -500 500 -500 500 -950 1000 -500 500 -500 450 -500 500 -500 500 -500 5400 -1000 900 -550 450 -550 400 -550 450 -550 450 -1050 900 -550 450 -550 400 -550 450 -550 450 -550 5350 -1050 950 -500 500 -500 450 -550 450 -500 500 -1000 950 -550 450 -500 450 -550 500 -450 500 -500 5400 -1000 1000 -500 450 -500 500 -500 500 -500 450 -1000 1000 -500 500 -450 500 -500 500 -500 500

AnalysIR blog method:
Raw: (153) 5448, -1012, 924, -564, 428, -564, 432, -560, 432, -564, 428, -1064, 924, -564, 428, -564, 428, -568, 424, -568, 428, -564, 5440, -1020, 968, -536, 456, -520, 476, -516, 476, -520, 476, -1032, 952, -536, 480, -512, 460, -536, 460, -532, 460, -536, 5428, -1024, 984, -508, 488, -504, 488, -504, 492, -504, 488, -1004, 984, -500, 496, -500, 492, -500, 492, -500, 492, -500, 5464, -992, 992, -500, 492, -500, 496, -500, 492, -404, 588, -1000, 988, -500, 492, -504, 492, -500, 492, -500, 492, -500, 5460, -996, 992, -500, 488, -504, 492, -500, 492, -500, 496, -996, 988, -500, 492, -504, 492, -500, 492, -500, 492, -504, 5456, -996, 992, -500, 492, -504, 488, -504, 492, -500, 492, -1000, 988, -500, 492, -500, 492, -504, 492, -500, 492, -500, 5460, -996, 992, -500, 492, -500, 492, -500, 496, -500, 492, -996, 992, -500, 492, -500, 492, -504, 492, -500, 492,

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer :)
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Re: Unusual IR signal

Post by AnalysIR »

Yes indeed..a very unusual signal...it looks like it just repeats continuously with any pauses between signals( usually not the best approach for Ir remote control).

Anyways....I used AnalysIr to export his c code for IRremote...

Code: Select all

Automatically Generated by AnalysIR - Batch Export Utility
Registered to: xxxxxxxx
Session History
Type : Key : Value : Bits : Carrier Frequency (kHz)
0 : RAW :  :  : 0 : 0
Note: Be sure to use the correct Carrier frequency, for each individual signal, as(or if) indicated above

// NB: Not all protocols are supported by IRremote or IRLib. You may need to edit the code below manually
// Automatically Generated by AnalysIR for xxxxxxxx, visit https://www.AnalysIR.com/ or email info@....... for further details
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct carrier frequency

unsigned int Signal_0_0[] = {5448,1012,924,564,428,564,432,560,432,564,428,1064,924,564,428,564,428,568,424,568,428,564,5440,1020,968,536,456,520,476,516,476,520,476,1032,952,536,480,512,460,536,460,532,460,536,5428,1024,984,508,488,504,488,504,492,504,488,1004,984,500,496,500,492,500,492,500,492,500,5464,992,992,500,492,500,496,500,492,404,588,1000,988,500,492,504,492,500,492,500,492,500,5460,996,992,500,488,504,492,500,492,500,496,996,988,500,492,504,492,500,492,500,492,504,5456,996,992,500,492,504,488,504,492,500,492,1000,988,500,492,500,492,504,492,500,492,500,5460,996,992,500,492,500,492,500,496,500,492,996,992,500,492,500,492,504,492,500,492}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_0_0, sizeof(Signal_0_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  
Any number that is between 480 and 520 can be replaced by 500 for better performance. Any between 1020 and 980 can be replace with 1000.

IF the 38kHz carrier doens't work...try the other common frequencies of 36, 40, 56, 33, 30 in that order.
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