Timer Functions Decoding and Analysis in 64 bit AC Remote Protocol
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:59 pm
I am decoding a 64 bit AC Remote IR Protocol So far till today I have decoded almost all functions except timers the data I received is not providing any logical result while decoding Will you please help to decode it The data I received for 10 min on timre is as follows..
10min :0x2873 5dc 000 d 1000f
10min :0x2873 5be 000 d 1000f
10min :0x2873 5d8 000 1 1000f
10 min:0x28f3 a62 000 1 1000f
20 min:0x28f3 a72 000 0 1000f
30 min:0x28f3 a8e 000 3 1000f
40 min:0x28f3 a9e 000 2 1000f
In Above Data 5th to 10th nibble represents timer function specifically 5 to 7 Timer On and 8 to 10 timer off
Thank You
10min :0x2873 5dc 000 d 1000f
10min :0x2873 5be 000 d 1000f
10min :0x2873 5d8 000 1 1000f
10 min:0x28f3 a62 000 1 1000f
20 min:0x28f3 a72 000 0 1000f
30 min:0x28f3 a8e 000 3 1000f
40 min:0x28f3 a9e 000 2 1000f
In Above Data 5th to 10th nibble represents timer function specifically 5 to 7 Timer On and 8 to 10 timer off
Thank You