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LASKO12AC protocol?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:58 am
by johngo7470
I've searched for information on the LASKO12AC protocol (which is what AnalysIR identified my signal to be), but could not find anything online.

I'm receiving this on an Auto-tilt remote control use to open/close blinds, and made in the late 90's.

Does anyone here have information on it?

AnalysIR is capturing a "12 bit pattern + 33.7ms gap + 12 bit pattern (repeat) + 87.7ms gap", and then the pattern repeats.

Re: LASKO12AC protocol?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:46 pm
by AnalysIR
Hi John

It sounds like your device just 'happens' to be a match with the LASKO protocol or they just re-used some existing parts. If you only have a few functions on the remote, like opened and CLOSED then the binary values will be pretty basic. If you like, email me a saved session file (Menu->File->Save Session) of the signals from the remote along with the model # of the unit and remote and I will have a look at it for you.

I have some other LASKO signals for a heater and the basic signal seem to repeat as long as the remote is pressed, with a minimum of 3 bursts (i.e. 2 repeats )

Re: LASKO12AC protocol?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:14 pm
by johngo7470
Sorry - I missed that you replied soon after I posted.

I recently found the Rules tab, which helped with some minor adjustments to my remote lircd.conf file.

The protocol appears to be very straightforward, as it simply modulates the hex bit pattern from the conf file. No header, footer, pre, post, etc...

However, what AnalysIR is showing (not sure if this is normal for LASKO12AC) is alternate gap sizes between codes:

[12 bits]---------------[12 bits]----------------[12 bits]---------------[12 bits]----------------[12 bits]---------------[12 bits]----------------
----------35ms space------------89ms space------------35ms space------------89ms space------------35ms space------------89ms space

Still reading through LIRC documentation to figure out if there's a way to generate this, other than using RAW...

Re: LASKO12AC protocol?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:39 pm
by johngo7470
Using LIRC RAW export generated by AnalysIR (trimmed to just before the first 89ms gap) and adding a line with "gap" of 89ms - irsend send_start/send_stop works perfectly.

Thanks, AnalysIR!

Re: LASKO12AC protocol?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 10:53 am
by AnalysIR
Super,....thanks for the update