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Problems with sending IR to AC

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 3:27 pm
by Juergen
Hi all,

I have installed AnalysIR and Arduino.
I use ATMega 2560.
The LED lights up on pin 9 (5V) and works (flashes)

For the receipt I used the following code:

Code: Select all

Note: Code removed by Moderator to avoid confusion with future versions.

The newest version is always available with latest AnalysIR download package.
In Appendix you will see the code generated by AnalysIr.
Here is my sending part:
(the LED flashes but no reaction to the AC)

Code: Select all

 * IRremote: IRsendRawDemo - demonstrates sending IR codes with sendRaw
 * An IR LED must be connected to Arduino Mega pin 9.
 * Version 0.1 July, 2009
 * Copyright 2009 Ken Shirriff
 * An IR LED must be connected to Arduino Mega pin 9.

#include <IRremote.h>

IRsend irsend;

void setup()

void loop() {
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct carrier frequency
unsigned int KlimaOff[] = {5968,7440,496,1512,472,3476,496,1512,472,3476,496,1516,472,1512,472,1512,476,1512,472,1512,472,1516,472,1512,472,1516,472,1512,472,3500,472,1512,472,1516,472,3476,496,3476,496,3476,492,1516,472,1512,472,1516,472,1512,472,1512,476,1512,472,1512,472,1516,472,1512,472,1512,476,1512,472,3476,496,1512,472,3476,496,1512,476,3472,500,1512,472,3476,496,3472,500,3472,496,3480,492,3476,496,3476,496,3476,496,3476,496,3476,496,1512,472,3500,472,3472,500,1512,472,1512,476,1512,472,3476,496,3476,496,3476,496,3472,496,3500,472,3476,496,3476,496,3500,476,3468,500,3472,500,3476,492,1516,472,3476,496,7444,496}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
// unsigned int on KlimaOn23[] = {5968,7440,496,1512,472,3500,472,1512,472,3480,492,1512,476,1512,476,1508,476,1508,476,1512,476,1508,500,1488,472,1512,500,1488,496,3476,496,1488,472,1512,500,3476,472,3476,520,3472,476,1508,476,1512,472,1512,476,1508,476,3476,520,1488,472,1512,476,1512,500,1484,476,1512,472,1512,476,3476,492,1512,476,3476,496,1512,472,3500,496,1488,472,3480,492,3480,492,3480,492,3500,472,3476,496,3472,500,3496,472,3476,496,3500,472,1512,472,3480,492,3480,492,1512,476,1508,476,1512,472,3480,492,3480,492,3476,496,3476,496,1512,472,3480,492,3500,472,3476,496,3476,496,3496,476,3476,492,1512,476,3476,496,7448,496}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(KlimaOff, sizeof(KlimaOff)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  off
  delay(5000); //In this example, the signal will be repeated every 5 seconds, approximately.
what am I doing wrong?

Re: Problems with sending IR to AC

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 11:41 am
by AnalysIR
Not a lot probably.

If you are sending the OFF signal make sure it is ON beforehand :)

The other thing is that the signal has not been cleaned (because this protocol is not currently in the list supported)

Please email the following to me to support@[domain].com:
1. The make and model number of the AC unit and the remote control being used.
2. A saved session file from AnalysIR, via Menu->File->Save Session. (Include a singnal for each temperature 16degC->30degC, ON, OFF and make sure do this in order and to only change one setting each time)

I will then add the protocol into AnalysIR, which will allow cleaning of the signal.

Please provide details of your IR emitter circuit (photo/schematic) and make sure you bring the emitter vlose tothe AC unit and point the top of the IR LED directly towards the receiver in the AC unit.

Re: Problems with sending IR to AC

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 6:58 pm
by iamtheyammer
You can also clean it with a small tool that I wrote in python. It's available on GitHub: