Problems with sending IR to AC
Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 3:27 pm
Hi all,
I have installed AnalysIR and Arduino.
I use ATMega 2560.
The LED lights up on pin 9 (5V) and works (flashes)
For the receipt I used the following code:
In Appendix you will see the code generated by AnalysIr.
Here is my sending part:
(the LED flashes but no reaction to the AC)
what am I doing wrong?
I have installed AnalysIR and Arduino.
I use ATMega 2560.
The LED lights up on pin 9 (5V) and works (flashes)
For the receipt I used the following code:
Code: Select all
Note: Code removed by Moderator to avoid confusion with future versions.
The newest version is always available with latest AnalysIR download package.
(the LED flashes but no reaction to the AC)
Code: Select all
* IRremote: IRsendRawDemo - demonstrates sending IR codes with sendRaw
* An IR LED must be connected to Arduino Mega pin 9.
* Version 0.1 July, 2009
* Copyright 2009 Ken Shirriff
* An IR LED must be connected to Arduino Mega pin 9.
#include <IRremote.h>
IRsend irsend;
void setup()
void loop() {
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct carrier frequency
unsigned int KlimaOff[] = {5968,7440,496,1512,472,3476,496,1512,472,3476,496,1516,472,1512,472,1512,476,1512,472,1512,472,1516,472,1512,472,1516,472,1512,472,3500,472,1512,472,1516,472,3476,496,3476,496,3476,492,1516,472,1512,472,1516,472,1512,472,1512,476,1512,472,1512,472,1516,472,1512,472,1512,476,1512,472,3476,496,1512,472,3476,496,1512,476,3472,500,1512,472,3476,496,3472,500,3472,496,3480,492,3476,496,3476,496,3476,496,3476,496,3476,496,1512,472,3500,472,3472,500,1512,472,1512,476,1512,472,3476,496,3476,496,3476,496,3472,496,3500,472,3476,496,3476,496,3500,476,3468,500,3472,500,3476,492,1516,472,3476,496,7444,496}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
// unsigned int on KlimaOn23[] = {5968,7440,496,1512,472,3500,472,1512,472,3480,492,1512,476,1512,476,1508,476,1508,476,1512,476,1508,500,1488,472,1512,500,1488,496,3476,496,1488,472,1512,500,3476,472,3476,520,3472,476,1508,476,1512,472,1512,476,1508,476,3476,520,1488,472,1512,476,1512,500,1484,476,1512,472,1512,476,3476,492,1512,476,3476,496,1512,472,3500,496,1488,472,3480,492,3480,492,3480,492,3500,472,3476,496,3472,500,3496,472,3476,496,3500,472,1512,472,3480,492,3480,492,1512,476,1508,476,1512,472,3480,492,3480,492,3476,496,3476,496,1512,472,3480,492,3500,472,3476,496,3476,496,3496,476,3476,492,1512,476,3476,496,7448,496}; //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
irsend.sendRaw(KlimaOff, sizeof(KlimaOff)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export (IRremote) - RAW
// AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key: off
delay(5000); //In this example, the signal will be repeated every 5 seconds, approximately.