NEC Timings in IRremote

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NEC Timings in IRremote

Post by AnalysIR »

During our phase-1 rollout of AnalysIR, we encountered an issue decoding NEC signals transmitted from IRremote. After lots of head scratching we finally found that one of the definitions in IRremote for NEC is too low. This issue has been reported on the IRremote blog a couple of years ago, but the code has not been updated, yet.

The issue has since been reported to IRremote for correction:

In summary, #define NEC_ONE_SPACE 1600 should be: #define NEC_ONE_SPACE 1692

(Actually, we use 1690 in AnaysIR, but what's 2 microseconds between friends [unless you are at the limit :D ] )

It was a great validation of a tool like AnalysIR.
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