raw code to hex code

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raw code to hex code

Post by Arun10m »

hi im arun,
how to convert the raw code i decoded using IRremote library into hex, this is the raw code 8520, 4124, 608, 532, 612, 1572, 616, 1572, 612, 532, 612, 1572, 612, 532, 612, 1572, 616, 532, 612, 1572, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 1576, 612, 1572, 612, 1572, 612, 532, 612, 532, 616, 532, 612, 528, 616, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 536, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 616, 528, 616, 1572, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 532, 612, 1572, 612, 532, 612, 532, 592, 552, 592, 1592, 592, 1596, 588, 1596, 592, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 552, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 556, 592, 552, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 592, 556, 588, 556, 592, 552, 592, 552, 592, 552, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 556, 592, 1596, 592, 1596, 592, 552, 592, 556, 592, 552, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 556, 592, 552, 592, 552, 592, 552, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 588, 1596, 592, 1592, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 592, 556, 588, 552, 596, 1588, 592, 1592, 592, 1592, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 556, 592, 1596, 588, 1592, 592, 552, 592, 1596, 592, 1592, 592, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 592, 1592, 592, 1596, 592, 1592, 592, 552, 592, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 588, 556, 592, 1592, 588, 1596, 592, 1592, 592, 1592, 592, 556, 588, 1596, 592, 552, 592

ac name is vestar
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Re: raw code to hex code

Post by AnalysIR »

8520, 4124, - Header, not data
608, 532, - 0
612, 1572, - 1
616, 1572, - 1
612, 532, - 0
612, 1572, - 1
612, 532, - 0
612, 1572, - 1
...and so on...the last value is usually just a trailer or termination pulse.

Our AnalysIR application does this decoding for you,

PS: It might be possible that you will have to swap the 1s and 0s
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