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Forum access

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 2:03 pm
by EmmEff
It seems to me that requiring a user to register with a password should ONLY be required to allow POSTING comments or questions.
If someone just wants to READ questions and/or answers that they would be encouraged to signup if they felt doing so would be of value.

Re: Forum access

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 2:25 pm
by AnalysIR
Thanks for the feedback.

I believe users can read post without registering. However, access to attachments/uploads may be restricted. If I recall correctly, this was introduced to limit needdless traffic being generated from search engines, bots & spammers etc.

So registration is only required for downloading attachements.

We will reviw this issue - next time we are updating the forum, to see if it makes sense to allow downloads for unregistered users.